
joined 1 year ago
[–] Crafter72 4 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) (2 children)

I'll explain it in layman's terms...

  • There is always a price (inconvenience) for secure-ness in online world.
  • There's 2 option to host a forum,
    1. You can use service like forum hoster or rent a VPS (so you can setup your own server although not self-hosting).
    2. Self-host yourself (this one a bit tricky if you aren't prepared).
  • Learn some good basic OpSec habit (eg. Never use same password, Never put your personal detail in your active directory especially on your site source document, use 2FA and so on).
  • Learn to spot a phising or malicious link and never to randomly click random link in an email (in times when someone tried to social engineering you).
  • Use reputable service provider if you are not going to self-host yourself.
  • If you happen to self-host, make sure to check your open ports and secure them. Bots always probing any site in the world!
  • For some reason if you're going to run sketchy stuff, never use your real credential. This point may not apply on your region as it depends on your local law.
[–] Crafter72 4 points 2 months ago (2 children)

Maybe in my message seems to focus solely on discord for putting the blame... The problem nowadays is that mostly these "devs" share/upload/host their releases in Discord which means you do use Discord's CDN to host their files. Another common complaint of these practices is that you need to join their server in order to just download relevant files which makes it infuriating if you stumbles across these practices often. For example I joined 8 different discord servers just to download a software/binary/release, why can't just put the release on something like Mediafire, Google Drive, Megaupload or perhaps sourceforge.

I do understand Discord is communication platform but most of time some people are too lazy to manage stuff so what happen is that everything is hosted in single place as such Discord.

[–] Crafter72 59 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) (10 children)

I'm pretty sure most of people who mainly use discord as their main social apps probably never touched forum-based internet.

Hosting your own forum is also better as you (the owner of the site) can still retrieve the msgs as long as you still have the access to the host server (so you can back them up in case shutting down, then going to resurfacing later).

Not to mention using discord is already risking yourself because of their shitty policy.

[–] Crafter72 22 points 4 months ago (1 children)

As someone who mostly lurking back in reddit, lemmy sort of forces me to engage (give back) in community. While at first I felt weird, it grow on me to contribute for discussion and hopefully I can start my own post in a community lol.

[–] Crafter72 11 points 4 months ago

Such bizzare moment when someone acknowledged megaten series and its fanbase on this kind of forum.

Fallout 1(!) and 2 is still enjoyable due to its turn based and variety of char build. Although may be frustating if you do not understand how the game played.

Meanwhile on Saints Row series, the best are on 1 & 2 (back when they have more grounded story though they have whacky side content).

[–] Crafter72 1 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

From skimming a vid from Buffmaister's yt channel, I think it is more like P5R, you can choose whether you're going vanilla route vs the vengeance addition that offer some changes on mid to late game.

All the new changes/addition/information on this release

Also with all previous DLCs included on this release sounds unusual from typical FATLUS shenanigan, I can say I'm going to get one on steam during sale.

[–] Crafter72 3 points 4 months ago

After all these year, finally modern mainline smt on PC

[–] Crafter72 3 points 4 months ago

Yes. You can emulate almost every mainline Megaten games. However, native pc port lets user to have accessibility (especially for casual user) instead of going through steps setup emulator. Paired that with reasonable ~~regional~~ price (except I doubt in the case of ATLUS/SEGA), they can have free money printer while at the same time adds more availability to how you play them.

[–] Crafter72 3 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

I recommend to start learning fundamental electronics first then move up to microcontrollers (if you're interested for that) or straight to device. Make a habit of reading datasheet. Reading datasheet is necessity to understand the characteristic of components you're after.

While learning Arduinos are good to learn how to handle microcontrollers are interfacing electrics modules. Learning electronics fundamental is good start to put more confident handling electronics (especially low voltage/current stuffs). You may want to tweak lower devices first as higher power devices such as SMPS, Inverter, old CRT TV, Higher power amplifier require more understanding power electronics.

Afterward steps up to analog electronics (op amp, transistors, mosfets) then digital electronics (digital ics, microcontrollers). At this stage reading datasheet is a must in order to not miss anything from components you are going to use.

For learning via youtubes, you can try visit eevblog, GreatScott (general purpose), bigclivedotcom (general device disassembly/tear down), afrotechmods (his old videos are still good for explanation). For books, try to check other commenters.

You can learn at any pace and most importantly have fun :D

My tip for faster learning is by doing a fun project, it can help to motivate learning. You can start with something simple but adds QoL like making room thermometer using modules and microntroller.

source: Am recently graduated mechatronics engineering student, currently working on automotive industry.

[–] Crafter72 1 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) (2 children)

Now if only FATLUS port other mainline Megaten games into PC/steam at reasonable price. Seeing Noctune on steam was like fever dream, not to mention that rumour SMTV for PC release from Geforce Now leak ;_;

[–] Crafter72 3 points 5 months ago

Well, if your games is popular enough some may start to do revival project or create these custom servers.

Back in late 2000s I rememver my brother who used to play WoW on private server (which unaffiliated with Blizzard) and mostly these unofficial server are popular for MMOs game back then.

Nowaday, you can have something like OpenSpy which emulates GameSpy servers runs by communities. It is all depend how deeper you want to venture each games.

What you can't preserve is the joy of playing on period correct experience :)

[–] Crafter72 18 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

I wish people understand that if you have any public/online presence, pretty much you can get tracked, especially in this age where ordinary people can track someone from their fingertips (and devices), for example Elon's Jet which get tracked too using public data.

It feels like when someone use Facebook (or any big services), skipped EULA, and then complain that they're being tracked...

just my 2cent from average joe.

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