
joined 2 years ago
[–] CrackaAssCracka 3 points 1 year ago

Switched a month or two ago. Pretty good, no really complaints, setting up the Google services I need is easy to do. Battery life took a hit but still a full day, some hiccups like one bank app that just doesn't work. Overall I'm happy with it.

[–] CrackaAssCracka 2 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (1 children)

First album I played to celebrate. Also the first album I bought for myself as a 13yo along with Wu-Tang Forever.

[–] CrackaAssCracka 2 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

The little Pac? That was a coworker who humored me but she'll be happy to know it looks pretty good.

[–] CrackaAssCracka 2 points 1 year ago

I'm listened to Jones on the Joe Rogan show when he was on with Eddie Bravo. It ended up with them getting wasted and spouting some really off the wall shit. Bravo was deep into chem trails. Jones confidently proclaimed that "interdimensional child molesters" were the biggest threat to humanity. If they were trying to get people to believe in that stuff they were doing a terrible job of it. Unless you're already primed to think that way, it was obvious they weren't thinking rationally.

[–] CrackaAssCracka 3 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I won't say every doctor is innocent of ignoring legitimate concerns they hear from patients but your argument is missing context. Subjective symptoms from a new patient or one I know doesn't fret over every somatic sensation they get in their body? Sure, I'm looking into that deeper. Coming from my known anxious, health obsessed patient who wants evening done all the time? Nope, that's a conversation and possibly some blood work just in case/to reassure. I can't give everyone a million dollar workup, it's inefficient use of resources and usually unwarranted. You have to listen to your patients, they give you a lot of useful information, but you have also have to be healthily skeptical at the same time.

[–] CrackaAssCracka 10 points 2 years ago

I can't speak for every hospital since I've only worked at a few but this is rare. Some places might still be doing it, dumping people who can't be placed or don't have insurance, but EMTLA was put in place to combat that stuff and the lawsuit and probably fines would make this a bad move. We've kept people where I work for months because we can't place them or psych won't take them. At minimum they're going to a nursing home.

[–] CrackaAssCracka 3 points 2 years ago (1 children)

I just finished Breath of the Wild and was thinking I wanted a zkorok for around the house. I'd definitely buy the drunk Korok

[–] CrackaAssCracka 5 points 2 years ago

Listening to Making Money, read it a few years ago. Pretty good though I'm not a huge fan of the voice actor doing the reading. it's tolerable though. Pratchett is what got me into sci-fi and fantasy, he'll always be one of my favorites and always holds up when I go back to something of his.

[–] CrackaAssCracka 4 points 2 years ago

I'd love to switch too since I use proton mail and their VPN but the auto sync option on Android using Pcloud and AutoSync is a necessity for me. If they can get added to AutoSync, that'd be great but not sure if it's feasible. I'd switch instantly if it was.

[–] CrackaAssCracka 46 points 2 years ago (4 children)

It's really not the doctors charging crazy amounts, it's the hospitals. MBA types got into medicine and squeeze it like any other industry. GI does a scope? Doc gets $200 for doing the procedure, facility gets $5k for a facility fee.

[–] CrackaAssCracka 3 points 2 years ago (1 children)

If you ever want to go further, pathology as an MD or DO would be perfect. Sounds like you might work with them already. Med school is difficult, annoying, and expensive though.

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