"By the way, I'm not too sure if this deal will last until after your afternoon nappies, so you should probably think about when you're gonna pick this up! I mean, what a waste it would be, right? Remember Mr. Sprinklemuffins?"
No, rated arr
Hahaha well then what better experience can you have with an ebb and flow like that? That's beyond living it up, and more like riding the storm 😆
Ten seconds? I think Mother Nature can understand if you wanna live it up a little bit more you know?
I've never had a hangover ever in my life, but could that be from my genes? My mom could really hold her alcohol well even though she didn't drink a lot.
Yeah I agree, I don't think it's all luck either. But I do paint him in a bad light for not doing well with what he had in his hands. I'll probably never know what kinds of unseen pressure one tends to experience as a billionaire but he's really not doing well, to put it kindly.
Waluigi hentai, so disgusting and so sinful.
Where do people even find that? Is there a link or something? So nasty, Waluigi hentai
Of all the answers I've gotten I think yours was the one that made it the most clear to me with its specificity. Thanks for helping me understand *a lot *more than I expected
Alright so I'm getting that letting the steam out unburdens you with the emotions you feel from the problem. Another reply said people feel understood when their pain is known, would you say it's the same feeling here or does it branch off a little bit?
Sorry I don't really talk or vent a lot in real life so it's something I'm still trying to understand
Okay this makes sense. I didn't realize that people feel tend to feel better when their pain is understood. Maybe I should give it a try sometime. Thanks for opening up my brain!
Well now I'm going to expect something surprising