Wait, if you can (or anyone else chipping in), please elaborate on something you've written.
When you say
That means they can engineer a solution to any problem that has already been solved millions of times already.
Hasn't Google already made advances through its Alpha Geometry AI?? Admittedly, that's a geometry setting which may be easier to code than other parts of Math and there isn't yet a clear indication AI will ever be able to reach a certain level of creativity that the human mind has, but at the same time it might get there by sheer volume of attempts.
Isn't this still engineering a solution? Sometimes even researchers reach new results by having a machine verify many cases (see the proof of the Four Color Theorem). It's true that in the Four Color Theorem researchers narrowed down the cases to try, but maybe a similar narrowing could be done by an AI (sooner or later)?
I don't know what I'm talking about, so I should shut up, but I'm hoping someone more knowledgeable will correct me, since I'm curious about this
I want to slightly hijack your comment to say how innovative lots of these services were when they showed up and how they all ultimately managed to become a corporate machine crapping on both customers and intermediaries.
I mean that, when they arrived, Uber, AirBnB, Glovo/Deliveroo/Just Eat/DoorDash all brought something new and potentially useful and parallel to existing structures (involving regular people on the ground which, theoretically, can make an extra buck), but then... They all went down the toilet (I suppose since they were all losing money at the beginning to establish themselves, they had to find some way to make money, but they all irreparably chose enshittifcation)
Hahahahahahaha, touché!
The hero we need, but not the one we deserve
That's a very correct point of view. Janeway IS cool and the show had such potential, but there are so many wasted opportunities...
You're right! I initially ruled Daredevil out but, as I was reading answers, I concurred Daredevil actually has a "believable" origin story (in that chemicals heighten his spatial senses)
That's an interesting take, because it is a plausible origin story arising from an "implausible" one! What I mean is that, according to the (admittedly not well defined) "bounds" of my original post, mutants have a less believable origin story since they're just born with powers, but Deadpool becomes a superhero since he already lives in a universe where mutants and healing factors exist and so it makes sense they make experiments on it!
I didn't know Norman Osborn tried to kill Deadpool with a cure for cancer. That's a neat plot device!
Brouhaha is its twin brother!