"i did my best to be an outspoken critic" is gonna play great with the survivors of Gaza
You should just stop spending money in general if you can.
So many responses are like "buy literal garbage like disposable decorations at the dollar store," do not do that. Stop spending money on garbage. Every dollar you spend is damage to the environment and more power for the wealthy, just stop it. Stop spending.
Don't buy entertainment, use archive dot org. Read more. When you like something culture you consumed, give it to somebody else so they don't try to buy it. Pass entertainment around to your friends.
When you have to spend on things like haircuts, repairs, etc, keep the money in your social network. If you don't cook, learn. If you aren't a part of your local grocery distro, join it.
Avoid giving corpos money whenever you can and you'll save lots of money.
Why is Biz Insider so insistent on being cringe on top of being a worthless capitalist propaganda rag
what is the correct amount of nationalism you have to believe for any of this to matter to you?
Trashy, blatant propaganda. Nobody wants your crappy unprofitable LLMs. Go away.
I think it's funny you care enough about the distinction to post