At least it wasn’t Russian this time.
Or Project Veritas doing their bullshit.
Ahh, it’s coming right for us!
Leopards ate my bate for those states. They are reaping what they have sowed.
Alfred Hitchcock vibes
Why are so many billionaires such self centred dicks?
Shows what a mindless Nazi creep the guy is. Shame on anyone that finds this ad acceptable.
RFK Jr was 14 when his Dad died, that’s gotta fuck someone up, seems it did mentally. Kinda sad he never got the chance to properly grow as an adult with his Dad, he might have turned out very different to the sad weirdo he is today.
Sad also though the people that still put so much stock in family names in politics. Fuck that shit, everyone needs to prove themselves no matter what family they belong to. This is the perfect example of why political family ‘dynasties’ are bullshit.
Yeah but Heinz beans are the best beans so they always get an upvote. Op is cheating.
If only they could have foreseen this!
Unbelievable, the man is such a sub human. Literally nothing he won’t stoop to.