A movie with basically no understanding of information technology still manages to nail The Gamers and maintain relevance for 25 years.
Without the context that his job (from previous comics) is to put a gun to your head for help making decisions, this is basically nonsense. Fantastic beautiful nonsense.
Thanks! I hate it!
The bartender is nonbinary
Yeah, like 99% of your streaming time will be exactly that. The other 1% is apologizing to the people who accidentally end up in your stream for wasting their time.
I made a little "reverse regex" library for fun ages ago. You give it a regex and it generates text from it. I thought of it as a toy, but people found use for it in unit testing. Eventually, someone forked it and added better test support because I am the world's worst maintainer.
Anyway, I only say this because I learned that it is shockingly easy for some throw away idea you put up on GitHub to suddenly become the unpaid backbone of somebody else's CI pipeline. Then, you're getting angry PR's and tickets about how a security issue or an unpatched dependency in your toy library NEEDS to be fixed and now you've got a new unpaid job!
Or you do what I did and abandon the project so one of the poor fools actually using it in production needs to maintain it. Us programmers though, we like when our code is being used, we like to help people, we want the work we put out there with our name on it to be a good representative of us, to show us as helpful, hard-working, and dependable. It can be so easy to fall into this feeling that because you wrote it, you "owe" your users some ongoing commitment.
And those users are often themselves beholden to their bosses, just trying to find the least-effort solution to get back to what they wanted to be working on. The shit all rolls down hill and ultimately I think our industry needs massive structural changes to thrive. I honestly sometimes muse about a return to the guild system. All feature requests and bug reports (and I mean like, globally, ALL tickets) come to the Guild and we shall assign them out under the principle of mutual aid (from each member according to ability, to each member according to their needs). In this way, the Guild will carefully train the next generation of holy adeptus mechanicus and make broad decisions on how technology can best serve the people.
A Call of Duty RTS? Only if they brought back WC3's Heroes, and maybe gave you a whole Company of them to manage.
RTS's need a massive new hit to redefine the genre. The starcraft style is stale and too slow for how most people game today. I'd kind of enjoy seeing people take another shot at where C&C4 and AoE3 were trying to go: something more tactically oriented with a greater emphasis on mobility. I think that era of RTS innovation got completely hamstrung by trying to force every game to not only have multi-player but also to be an esport and also to be a live-service endless money machine.
You may note that games today are still being ruined by the same forces.
Poor people move where it's cheaper to live. It's cheaper to live where risk is higher. This is how risk is systematically offloaded onto the lower class. We build and live in these dangerous places, and we suffer all the loss and damage from those risks. The owner class takes all the profits and value from those places while investing little to nothing in them (too risky!)
It sticks with you, did me anyway. Not so much the scares or even the horror, but the dread and the existential thoughts persist long after the credits.
You're a good and considerate friend, personally I've never believed those nasty rumors.