If you use third party inks you might get hacked, so we're going to go ahead and hack you in a ransomware style attack by locking your personal property until you comply and use our inks. Get fucked.
I would like to know the price of the yearly subscription, and if the PUNKT Legend will ever be made.
I would love to delve deep into a complex and arching storyline of multiple characters, and the reason I don't give a fuck about TV anymore is that you invest in a season or two of a great franchise and then it gets canceled with no notice, often leaving a cliffhanger that would have clearly been explored or explained in the next season, so fuck it, I don't even watch TV anymore.
How much land comes with that, at that price, because that's an amazing price.
The government is trying to put tracking chips in our vaccines, let's burn down 5G cell towers!
Elon musk is putting chips in peoples brains, all hail corporate billionaires!
Birds aren't real!
I fully believe this. In the early '00s I was dating a girl who was an intern at BC Hydro, she told me the big ad campaigns aimed at reducing power consumption wasn't because they want to help the environment or anything like that, it was that it would free up extra power to sell to Alberta or the USA.
There are probably 10s of us here!
Looks like an album cover for a SoundCloud rapper.
I worked fast casual at the end of highschool. It was fun and challenging but ultimately I decided not a long term job or career for me. Taught me a ton about life and dealing with people (coworkers and the public)
Yeah, strokes and dementia will do that.