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[–] CitricBase 19 points 3 weeks ago (2 children)

That's a valid concern, hopefully Lenovo is smart enough to not insert themselves in the software pipeline between Valve and their customers.

[–] CitricBase 30 points 3 weeks ago

Also I really don't understand why staggered joysticks are the standard.

In case you were actually curious, here is the reverse timeline:

  • Staggered joysticks are the standard because Microsoft Xinput is the standard.
  • Xinput is the standard because for about a decade, it was the one controller interface that actually worked without issue for a lot of people.
  • Microsoft controllers worked for a lot of people on PC because Microsoft controlled the most popular console and the most popular OS. Sony and Nintendo had no interest in supporting their controllers for PC.
  • Microsoft maintained a similar controller layout to their original Xbox console.
  • The original Xbox controller was designed before the advent of popular dual-stick games (the first of which was the original Halo). At the time, the right control stick was seen as a secondary control for the camera in third person platformers (see also the c-stick on the Gamecube).
  • The original Xbox controller design was cribbed from the Dreamcast, which was to-date the nicest and most ergonomic controller. The Xbox design added the second control stick below the buttons.

Also of note:

  • The only other dual-stick design at the time was that of the Playstation, on which both control sticks were secondary, an afterthought not even present on the original PS1 controller. Making the left control stick "primary" was progress.
  • Nintendo briefly ended up in the same boat as Sony, when they added secondary control sticks to the original SNES design to create the Wii Classic Controller.
  • The only controller that tried to make both control sticks primary was the Nintendo Wii U, which unfortunately failed for unrelated reasons. I had one, and the symmetry was glorious, for those few brief years.
  • Nintendo relented and went with the staggered design for the release of the Nintendo Switch, on which the asymmetry was necessary in order for both joycons to also be able to function as separate controllers.
[–] CitricBase 6 points 3 weeks ago

"Unpopular Opinion: [popular opinion]!"

[–] CitricBase 1 points 3 weeks ago

Staying home was, in effect, a vote for indecency.

[–] CitricBase 4 points 3 weeks ago

Don't call it an oops.

This was either a massive lapse of bureaucracy, or it was a massive lapse in judgement. Either way, in my opinion it is one of Biden's biggest mistakes in his entire four years of governance.

[–] CitricBase 81 points 3 weeks ago (6 children)

Well that's a fucking oops by Biden. Most of the clemencies on today's list were ~1500 nonviolent drug offenders who deserved leniency. How the fuck did Conahan manage to slip in with them?

Behind the Bastards did a series on this guy. TL;DR the guy deserves a hell of a lot worse than life in prison.

[–] CitricBase 21 points 3 weeks ago (2 children)

If voters demonstrated one thing this year, it's that the decency of the candidate is utterly irrelevant.

[–] CitricBase 2 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (1 children)

Here's a more general report that delves into your question:

By far the biggest reason is that ~70% of those homicides are crime or gang related, and almost all of those are men, which neatly accounts for the disparity.

That of course raises the question, why are men so much more likely to get tangled up in gangs or crime? I'm sure that the sociologists have a more nuanced take, but I'll venture out on a limb and say it's because men are full of dumbassifying hormones. Being immersed in societal peer pressure probably doesn't help, depending on what environment they're in.

[–] CitricBase 66 points 1 month ago

This goes without saying, every country will levy retaliatory tariffs. It's one of the reasons random tariffs are such a stupid idea to begin with.

[–] CitricBase 36 points 1 month ago (11 children)

Yep. A 10% tariff will mean that every other country has 10% more purchasing power compared to the US. It's basically shooting your own economy's competitiveness in the foot.

[–] CitricBase 13 points 1 month ago

Thank you.

To be fair to the Guardian, their headline is substantive, compared to the other article that just gave a number without context. The report does clearly support the assertion that on average home is the most dangerous place for women to be attacked.

[–] CitricBase 10 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Sir, my entire thesis was about how important it is to present clear data to substantiate your claims. Not only are you refuting the findings with zero data or sources, you are injecting a racially charged dimension into the mix.

For all we know your arguments could be entirely correct, but you yourself are undermining them by not attempting constructive discourse.

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