To be fair, you also don't get passed by a carbio and its head(s)
So if I open the cookies settings and deselect all that can be deselected, is it the same as necessary cookies only?
We also have them in NL
I do it initially so my wet hair doesn't drip everywhere
I don't understand these scale references. Please add banana
I really like mine, JBL Tune 230NC
So you don't think it just may have been scary? Kids get scared early on, but being able to imagine what other people are feeling, and therefore feeling that too (empathy) comes later
Congrats, you now speak Dutch!
I was recently surprised by the filter options on bbc good foods, maybe that helps?
You bring it to work at the museum and your coworker eats it
Always write something down. At least try. You get 0 points for blanks, so that can only improve, and you may know more than you think
Or would that be accessory to murder?