
joined 2 years ago
[–] ChocoboRocket -3 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) (2 children)

To be fair, if everything in the system leading up to the school is lead free there should be minimal leeching only happening in the school pipes.

If the pipes in the school have any sediment buildup sequestering the lead from the water there would be little to no leeching.

Definitely looks bad when you say "keep lead pipes in schools" but the reality is still something like "95% of lead removed from water coming out of school taps"

Also, might make schools likely to remove lead pipes if the system is lead free. No point in removing lead pipes from a school if there's +20 miles of lead pipe leading to/from the school

[–] ChocoboRocket 10 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) (1 children)

Fuck me do I ever hate landmines.

Obviously fuck Ruzzia, and Ukraine isn't doing anything wrong defending itself in this way.

But there's something entirely different about passive warfare like that.

The footage of drones dropping grenades are pretty brutal too - but for me there's something different between being hunted by a weapon system engaged in active warfare, and the passive indifference of mines.

There's a lot of footage from this war that live rent free in my head, but an especially brutal one was of a Ukrainian soldier(medic?) during the first significant use of western armor counter offensive.

They jumped out of the APC, clearly picking their landing spot, and immediately their leg was blown off by a landmine. You could see them succumbing to shock as they're trying to get a Tourniquet on. Thankfully his buddies immediately loaded him up and left, but it's stayed with me more than any of the others.

[–] ChocoboRocket 14 points 4 months ago

I just wanna go to Goth IHOP 👀

[–] ChocoboRocket 36 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) (6 children)

I fully hear you and agree.

Every 5 days there's a software update, for something that just changes one or two things slightly - but rarely if ever is it an improvement.

Oh, you want to do this simple thing you were able to easily do 3 days ago?

Now you have to change 4 nondescript settings, use 3 separate hotkey commands, watch a YouTube video, and troubleshoot for hours to get a once basic function to preform correctly.

I'd bet that the AI system will be used exclusively to identify + paywall things you'll want/need to use your phone.

seems like you want volume control, based on your history you want 1% volume. Subscribe to" basic functions" package to unlock a volume option. Upgrade to "basic functions premium" for up to 5 volume adjustments a week!

Still not enough AI control? The "basic functions unlimited" fully unlocks both volume buttons and for a limited time unlocks the spacebar for 5 minutes an hour from midnight to 6am!

[–] ChocoboRocket 32 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) (3 children)

Not yet we're not!

Still plenty of nature to kill before humanity cannot survive in any capacity without corpo supply chains.

If you're breathing free air, drinking real water, and actual food can grow out of the ground we're comparably in cyber paradise given how much worse AI spycraft and corporate ownership will worsen everything exponentially for the non-connected over the next decades

[–] ChocoboRocket 176 points 4 months ago (10 children)

Wtaf is going on in the US lately.

Looking at breaking up Google

Going after Visa for monopolizing debit markets

TD slapped with a penalty worth more than the crime (for the first time ever?)

Going after market manipulators

I've never seen the law applied to the wealthy in a way that might actually influence future behaviour (and not for the worst??!)

[–] ChocoboRocket 174 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) (9 children)

Killing education is definitely a big part of it, but controlling every news source in huge areas and pumping outright lies and disinformation 24/7 can eventually break down anyone living in that environment.

These people desperately cling to hierarchy. Bad people go to jail, good people don't.

These people never hear about Trump being bad, and only see him slip though the law effortlessly.

All they see is Trump being innocent and not getting in trouble at all, ever, for anything. Half of all politics and nearly all Media hide or obfuscate Trump's insanity and incompetence.

So many voters see a president everyone they know and talk to adores, getting dragged by Democrats to no effect.

"If he was guilty he'd be in Jail, but since he's not in jail Democrats must be liars and everything Republicans say about him is true."

Easy, thoughtless conclusions that reinforce their worldview and solidify them as supremely correct.

Now, they'll certainly move the goalposts once he is in Jail, because they will also never admit they were wrong about anything because if they're wrong about Trump, they're wrong about their entire worldview and that's something they are not mentally able to do.

[–] ChocoboRocket 22 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) (4 children)

I agree, and I can't believe I'm saying this - because the Republicans are unequivocally going full Nazi, BUT

Republicans are doing crazy Nazi shit all the time. Yeah, the date has significance to American Nazis, and normally anything Nazi would have been publically perceived bad pre-Trump.

Even then, the Nazi accusations are often poorly executed and come off more as "EvErYoNe On ThE rIgHt Is A nAzi" and less "You are being categorically lied to, and if you vote Republican you will be irreversibly enslaved by the business class"

But we are so far past Republicans dancing around Nazism that complaining about sharing a Nazi date/location isn't going to make anyone clutch their pearls and see clearly.

Trump and the Republicans going full Nazi doesn't have much impact to the American population because

  1. There are no consequences to being a punk ass Nazi bitch if you're Republican, it's actually a pre-requisite now.

  2. No one is producing content to accurately show the Republican path to Nazism, the parallels, the significance, and the danger. No mention of union riots and former working conditions in the US, nothing.

  3. Both political parties are entirely beholden to the donor class who is warming up to Nazism, which is why the Anti-Nazi rhetoric is only done in small, insignificant doses instead of a competent national Anti-Nazi campaign so Democrats have plausible deniability that they warned the public.

People aren't threatened by Trump and will vote for him because America doesn't tolerate traitors, and if anything Democrats said about Trump is true, surely he would be Jailed in Guantanamo Bay by now.

Total lack of consequences = evidence of innocence, so anything you say against Trump is hand-waved away because if anything was wrong/bad it wouldn't be allowed.

This logic made Trump untouchable so far.

[–] ChocoboRocket 3 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) (1 children)

For what it's worth, my DJI drone flashes low battery around 20% and given the altitude these drones are flying at I wouldn't be surprised if easily more than half of the battery was consumed just getting up there.

The spy craft in me thinks it could also be a false reading to hide the drones true operational range.

[–] ChocoboRocket 27 points 4 months ago

What else do you need a God for if not to grant divine authority to dehumanize anyone or anything you don't like?

[–] ChocoboRocket 5 points 4 months ago

Maybe it's the coffin I'm missing for my sleeping conditions!

[–] ChocoboRocket 1 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

The spine seems to be working pretty well for every other vertebrate though 🗿

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