Isn't Mexico considering a panama canal alternative of their own? If they can actually get it done then a Trump take over of the panama canal would probably just go badly for the US in the long run.
I could live without all the news and stuff, and I do just ignore it when it gets too much. The ability to communicate with other people across the entire world however is something I really appreciate.
I'm currently building a Guzheng out of wood from the cherry tree I used to hang out in as a kid that got destroyed in a fire with only part of the trunk remaining. Maybe only 4/10 interesting but if this were a fantasy setting that's at least a +2 magic instrument right there for the backstory its got.
iirc technically Obama reduced counting of drone strike civillian casualties, Trump just stopped counting all together.
iirc its not so much a lack of interest as we literally banned local municipalities from building more (not straight up but we banned the mechanism by which they were doing it)
No wait this is fantastic, its probably going to be some stupid image generator that tries to generate what your face looks like when its partly obscured. We can all wear cheap paper masks of celebrities and let the AI camera turn that into a semi-convincing actual face instead! Who knew Mark Zuckerberg was a serial shoplifter across the entire US and Europe!?
The only way I can see gold becoming cheap being a problem for me is due to it being a problem for rich people and them making it my problem.
Still, to get into that you probably have to be from a family that's been super loyal to the regime so those guys signing up have had literally no exposure to anything other than NK propoganda.
On one side I see americans talking about taking over greenland like it'd be a new old west style frontier, on the other side I see northern europe increasingly warming up to landmines again. Come to the new frontier, we have great opportunities like serving mega corporations, randomly exploding and being murdered by danish guerillas.
Not for me but seems like a win overall? People are generally far less willing to hurt/fight people they know well compared to some nebulous concept of a nation. If American and Chinese people get to know eachother in a social setting it can only be a good thing.
Any specifics on that gaze build?
Elon isn't a government official, there would be nothing unwise about arresting him for things most people would get arrested or at least questioned by the police for.