It's like the other sort options, except it prioritizes communities with fewer subs, so that you'll see content from smaller communities more often.
a strong confidence that you’re just going to say something about a low intelligence, dismissing the substance of my point out-of-hand:
nailed it. get fucked, troll
I take a perverse sort of pleasure in trimming everything except for the content from a webpage. I love to see how clean it looks, just black text on a white page, no videos, no social links, no headers, or footers, or navbars, or stickies, or comments, or sidebars, or whatever the fuck "div-of-nth-type-9" is, or- everything goes but the actual content. I love blocking the cookie popups; "consent banners" as if they aren't trying to coerce "consent." Blocking that garbage feels like saying go fuck yourself. Viscerally satisfying.
Worth the hassle? Nah probably not, unless you're just a weirdo like me who enjoys stripping the bullshit off of things.
"theoretical christians-" You mean the people who, by your description, aren't represented here? The people you seem to be glad won't read what you wrote? The people you demanded reasons to care about?
You were addressing them.
While using "you."
To reply to me.
In that context.
I really don't think testes are the organ required to read the comments you reply to. I, for instance, make a point of reading every comment I reply to, even before I reply to it, with my eyes. I also don't think that suggesting I should go through your comment history to prove something to you after your reference to my Brass Knockers (You got that part right, at least) is quite the flex. Since you asked though, and since im bored, and despite a strong confidence that you're just going to say something about a low intelligence, dismissing the substance of my point out-of-hand:
There’s not a lot of benefit to a platform filled with wrong idiots
In this context, there is only one party "wrong idiots" could be referring to. Tell me it was theoretical-non-specific-people-i-disagree-with-and-definitely-not-christians-generally though, that seems to be the par for this course. I guess I should say "Tell us," because apparently we're being inclusive of theoretical christians now.
Would you apply the same principles of tolerance to neo-nazis
In this context, you can only be comparing one party to neo-nazis. No bigotry here, nope, no siree.
I'm not suggesting we tolerate or create a space for nazis, or communists, or whatever other non-sequitur false-equivalence political argument you have prepared. I'm saying this space, already created (presumably by an admin with the intent of enticing new users) is not for your intolerance, you hypocrite. And no, you know as well as I do that observing that an idea is bad and its origins are false is not bigotry and I take that as credible evidence of bad faith on your part, especially in combination with the "wrong idiots" remark, you hypocrite. If you're feeling some kind of infant way about christianity after reading that, thats a definitely-you-problem that you probably should see a professional about. Also, questions are generally asked with a so-called question-mark, denoted as "?", so you don't get confused between an opinion stated and a question asked next time.
I think it's time you actually make the positive case for why christians should not be represented in this space, instead of just this increasingly thin veneer of plausible deniability. I've already supplied the antithesis. Your work is cut out for you.
First off, as I already explained, (I guess I implied it, actually) I'm not a christian. I don't follow jesus' teaching because he is a fictional character, and the teachings are largely bad, or at least badly out of date. If you're not confused, why did you make this implication?
Second, per my previous comment (and the one before that, and the one before that...), I wasn't objecting to the content of the article, but to the hatespeech in this comment section: "And this is why churches should be firebombed" (which has now been removed, so I guess there are some standards here, after all) "christians can suck my dick". Now it's merely a bunch of atheists brigading the "orthodox christianity" community, dropping disagreement downvotes on the only person with a contrary opinion. If you aren't confused, why are you suggesting, again, despite repeated explanations to the contrary, that I am in some way twisted up about the content of the article? Could it be that you believe it (or are implying such belief) because it would be convenient to your narrative if it were true?
Your behavior (among others, you are not special) gives atheists a bad name, and makes this community unsuitable for its intended audience. Your arrogant hypocrisy, your bigotry, your blind (you literally never read the rest of the comments, did you) support for hate speech. your perfect failure to self-reflect (why should you care? really). Your lack of empathy or compassion for a person who (you assumed, incorrectly, against readily available evidence) wasn't already like you are. Why should you care if christians are represented in this space? I admit I was in quite a state after thanksgiving and dealing with my shitty family left me badly disposed to communicate like a human being. I shouldn't have to tell you any of this. It should already be obvious to a person who poses the question from your position, but for the sake of actually addressing it instead of that petty, pointless, sarcastic jibe at your already being right about everything:
You should care because we need to grow lemmy. Lemmy needs more users to not just die of atrophy. Simple as. Yeah, it's mercenary, but that's in line with my inference of your values, so I lead with it.
You should care because even if they're wrong, it's wrong to discriminate and be bigoted in turn. Strictly speaking, bigotry is against the rules of this instance. Just because the mob enforced your bigotry, doesn't mean your bigotry is good or right or useful. It just means you are in the majority.
You should care because having access to genuine christian opinions in a nation preparing itself for a new christian nationalist fascistic makeover is a good thing. I want to know what the christians have to say about this article because I want to know if they agree with it. All I have on this is atheist opinions. I'd sure like to see literally any christians comment on this article, one way or the other. They will never do so having seen your pathetic whinging about your right to be bigoted be supported and enforced by a mob of unrelated brigadiers.
It is aggressively not my job to tell you why you should be an empathetic human being. I've done it anyway. Be better.
I was very clear about hateful atheists brigading a christian space being the thing I was upset about. You were very clear about not giving a fuck and insisting it was your right to be hateful. How could you possibly be confused?
I guess I fall back on enjoy your hatespace; just don't make the mistake of wondering why lemmy never grows.
Tomorrow... and tomorrow... creeps the... something something... told by an idiot.
Can I get a recipe? looks delicious! I promise to channel the ghost of Shakespeare to read that monologue while it's simmering.