They're not self aware enough to realize they're going to make a martyr out of him
why change now?
Good question, because the Romans had an extensive welfare program to provide the Bread part of the equation, yet the current crop of idiots in change think it's a good idea to dismantle our welfare system.
The football won't matter when half of us are starving after grocery prices triple and there's no assistance.
It's the "Circuses" part of "Bread and Circuses" doing exactly what it's designed to do.
They don't say "this is worse", most of them I engage with say it's the same as Biden/Harris had planned, the rest try to twist reality to say it's somehow better.
Strap him to the heatsheild on the next starship flight.
You'd need chemical lasers to quickly vaporize birds, but it could be done.
The bullets that don't hit the birds would rain down on populated areas.
Bird strikes happen at lower altitudes and airliners fly much higher than birds unless they're taking off or landing, and they almost always takeoff or land near a populated area.
More people would die on average from stay bullets then from airplane crates caused my bird strikes
Most of these telecommunication components donated to the Trump campaign because he was going to cut their taxes and roll back regulations allowing them to drastically increase profits.
I wonder how they're feeling now that they know they'll lose every case against Musk?
They'll likely lose parts of their spectrums to Starlink, and won't be able to expand into new ones as they open up because those will also be awarded to Starlink.
They're going to be losing money and markets to Musk, and they made it happen. They signed their own death certificates.
It 100% for sure isn't Grave of the Fireflies, I know that much.
Kiki's delivery service might fit the bill though.
Any sane country that wants to remain that way should be banning Twitter immediately.
It feels like insanity to me that they're watching what he's doing to America right now and not immediately reacting by banning the tools he used to do it here.
Chase routinely flags my phone bill that I've been paying to the same company for 5+ years as "potentially fraudulent" and doesn't allow the purchase to go through.
However, they didn't flag a $900 purchase on Chipotle gift cards on the other side of the country as potentially fraudulent and I had to file with them and wait for them to complete an investigation.
This is so Musk won't face local prosecution for doing the same things in Europe he did here.
Germany specially is going to be a target of his I think.