Everything else is understandable. Cat cleaning itself, lots of mugs, sock on the floor - par for the course.
It's the two thirds of a donut on a fork that got me.
Everything else is understandable. Cat cleaning itself, lots of mugs, sock on the floor - par for the course.
It's the two thirds of a donut on a fork that got me.
I don't know where you are, but at least a few places I've lived have had produce boxes you can sign up to receive. Some are fruits and vegetables too ugly to sell, others are mixed seasonal goods from a local farms. They range in price but all of them have been cheaper (for me) than the grocery store and are usually delivered.
The downside is the planning and work to make the most of whatever you get.
In that case let's bury ourselves in the earth and learn to thrive on decay.
Owning a tesla is a pre-existing condition.
Hey! I thought we lost you! We need you back at Unhelpful Back Handed Comments.
This isn't nonsense. I literally tested and ran one of those machines. You can look up voting tabulators and their use in Canadian elections. They are safe and secure - they're tested before and after the election, and the paper votes from that machine are sealed away to be counted in case of any descrepancies.
Not that it matters but a lot of places use sharpie to mark the X.
I mean a voting tabulator as opposed to a machine you vote on directly, and in a provincial election. However, tabulators have the rarely used voting assistance device. They're spouting misinformation, for sure, but from their history I think they're just an idiot.
I ran a voting machine, they can't connect to a network. Stop worrying about the voting machines and start worrying about the cuts to whatever education system produced you.
Libraries can bring books in for you, too. Just ask, they want to help. They want you to get a card even if you never use it because it helps their numbers and their funding. Hell, take out books just in case you feel like reading over the next month, no one cares if you never touch them. Plus, you can renew and reserve books online and download ebooks for free.
Last month my library did a "Blind date with a book" thing where they gift-wrapped books and wrote the first sentence on the outside. I got a fun book I would have never picked up otherwise.
Wanna support local? Using your library helps you and your community.
If I could push a button that removed me from the timeline, I would.
Just feel what you feel without putting a label on it. Honestly, the labeling is annoying. I tell folks I'm a person who's into the people I like. As long as everyone is happy and consenting it shouldn't matter what you call it.
And he decided to give up carbs part way through.