Can he get jail time for this? Everything that happened with this happened in 2014-2015 when Dorsey was in charge not in the last year.
I won't why the massive amounts of money that was aimed towards healthcare but was essentially a blank check didn't end up going to healthcare?
Language elitists about me more than most, especially English ones considering the massive mutt that the English language is. There is no proper English just what some think is proper because they have nothing else.
Can't help but think that they are rigging this for the bird. Just calculate how long it takes the bird to get from here to there and then pick a capacity that takes longer to download.
You can connect both cards up and copy over but it will be slow, doable but very slow. As for the other question, I don't know enough to be able to give an accurate answer.
Since I reinstall Windows (trying different versions just because) as often as I distro hop I just started using different distros in WSL. Let's me distro hop in both OSes as I want and at the same time without any kind of dual booting problems.
I, also, hate those people, are we the same person?
Going by the other two in the Google rules they are about blocking people from using the service just like Apple's list not about letting individuals block other individuals.
Also the whole missing centenarians thing they have going. 100+ year old people that haven't been seen or heard from in years or even decades still marked as alive when most are long dead.
Having recently setup an UnRaid server I used a walkthrough video on setting up SSL certs for them through Cloudflare and Google Domains. Was already using their DNS ( and had an account so made that it an easy decision, then Google decided Domains would be sold off so I fully migrated to Cloudflare. I find the free tier to have more things included than I even understand and it does everything I need.