I fully agree with that.
That might be a loophole since they aren't requesting it legally they are buying it like any other can.
Filebot is nice for that, it is what I used when I first got into Plex and realized the reason I had so many problems is because of the way I named files. This was before I even knew Sonarr and Radarr existed, now you can get them to do it.
If a giant animal like that wants to lick my car and is blocking my way I'm not going to even attempt to stop them. If it came up and asked for $5 I would give it at least $10 and call it a day, I'm not arguing with giants who have horns.
That first one... It makes me laugh. It has never affected me when companies use derogatory or belittling language. I decline them with a smile on my face but I can see how it might work on others.
In other words parents need to be parents and take care of their kids, glad you agree with the OP.
Won't work here, on here it is black or white, either hate Nazis and anything that even approaches it or you are one. Every other subject in the world will be grey and nuanced, and they will argue minor points to death, except for this.
ADATA nVme, SATA m.2 and SATA are my go to for cheap upgrades for laptops and have had no problems with them. Even have a few in external USB cases for large capacity, fast, portable storage and they work great.
And Windows XP although I think they were pushed to start it with XP.
Whisparr for me.
Easy enough fix for the government, just make them illegal.
OMG, I don't care about which boogyman you fear, it would have happened eventually regardless of color in the position. Money and power speaks much louder than political party.