There are lots of station cats in the UK but Felix has long remained one of the most famous examples. I'm glad Bolt was also about for Felix's later years. She was a lovely cat and I'm sure a lot of people will miss her.
The toilet was also only invented the year that it collapsed so please enjoy your hole on the ground
Fun fact: the Confederacy lasted about as long as Google Stadia.
I have it happen for webview most times I use it. I ended up using Kiwi Browser instead because of it.
I use Lemmy more than I ever used Reddit. It seems to be better at finding higher quality content
I love how the marketing for this was absolutely everywhere. It wasn't anything new. It just tried and failed to reinvent the wheel that was matrix bridges.
I mean the bootlicking nazi loser at the root of this comment chain
Jesus! I just made the mistake of looking at that guy's comment history. Someone is an edgy boi 😬
Phones with fully open source drivers including the bootloader and decent specs. Give me a UEFI over fastboot any day.
I'd also love it if electron and sexism would kindly go away.
Recently in the UK, we had a lot of "not my king" protests where people were arrested for blank signs after people had signs mentioning Prince Andrew's misdeeds.
PyPush lets you link your number to your Apple Account using if you need that. It needs a cron job to sit on it for the first few weeks but after that its fine.
Meanwhile Matrix bridges are going strong as a way to keep in touch with people who refuse to leave these horrible platforms.