
joined 2 years ago
[–] CascadianGiraffe 7 points 3 weeks ago (7 children)

100% Nazi

Anyone who defends this Nazi is a Nazi. Full stop.

[–] CascadianGiraffe 4 points 3 weeks ago

Oh I don't disagree with you. As I said, I think it's the only viable solution because capitalism at large won't be solved. You need to fix education to fix the human greed problem, and even then that's going to be a very long time in the making. Like generations upon generations.

And yeah, UBI isn't a solution for wealth gaps. But it will help the suffering of the poorest, which is a good start. And it might make climbing the social/economic ladder a little easier if you started at the bottom.

There is no silver bullet solution and waiting for one doesn't do anything to help. So we gotta start somewhere. Let's start at the bottom and work our way towards better overall solutions.

[–] CascadianGiraffe 6 points 3 weeks ago (2 children)

Nationalize Corporations and use the profits to fund UBI

As a retail manager for many different stores in the past and as someone who once had serious drug addiction and spent time in jail and homeless. I understand both sides of the issue.

In my opinion Universal Basic Income is the only solution that is actually viable. And you will still need to lock things up, just not to the extent we do right now.

Also, most of the loss prevention is a requirement of the insurance companies, not individual companies or stores.

[–] CascadianGiraffe 5 points 3 weeks ago

How long it takes to get anywhere.

They manage to cross major cities in mins when the reality is 1-2 hours during regular traffic. Or they just fly somewhere else and are there a few hours later. You can't even get through airport security in the time it took them to drive there, fly and then drive to the next location.

[–] CascadianGiraffe 1 points 3 weeks ago

I never understood the hate. I was part of the Microsoft team that got to play with all of the prototype controllers (I still have a few). Several of us pushed for the size of the Duke, but we were all guys with HUGE hands. We wanted the Dreamcast controller but bigger.

Hard to believe it's been 20 years already.

[–] CascadianGiraffe 13 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

Could be real.

I had an employer give a 3% raise one year. But it was only .75% per quarter, which they did not disclose during the announcement.

So by the end of the year, you did technically get the whole 3% so they didn't actually lie about it.

Didn't help that cost of living had gone up by 8-12% at the time. So even a 3% raise that we were promised was a pay cut when you look at the entire picture.

[–] CascadianGiraffe 2 points 3 weeks ago


Can't see anything except the toilet with the lid AND the seat up.

[–] CascadianGiraffe 3 points 1 month ago

Certainly truth to that. I have to explain different N95 masks weekly so I get your point.

We did this 20+ years ago and we were just trying to get rid of the haze of the bar and keep the walls and surfaces cleaner. IAQ wasn't really a thing anybody talked about. Throwing some smoke rated air filters on the sides of an empty cardboard and pulling air through them seemed like an obvious and easy fix and it did make a significant improvement immediately. No peer-reviewed testing in the dive bar scenes so no real information to provide.

[–] CascadianGiraffe 28 points 1 month ago (9 children)

They lost because they were offering the same bs they always do. No amount of time would have saved them. Trump won because he said he would do things differently. Harris lost because she wasted time fighting the Trump icon instead of offering solutions for everyday people.

Hopefully this failure will help push forth a party for the people instead of the garbage us vs them that we always get from both major parties.

[–] CascadianGiraffe 5 points 1 month ago (2 children)

We used it to clean cigarette smoke from the bar before we could afford huge ionizers. Nobody took pictures because it wasn't anything special and was basically common sense.

But 2 decades later apparently you need to be an engineer to figure it out? This is what happens when you teach kids to pass a test but don't bother to teach them how to think.

[–] CascadianGiraffe 2 points 1 month ago

Like poorly trained dogs, they attack anything different.

[–] CascadianGiraffe 5 points 1 month ago

Police harass minorities. If you live somewhere where you are not considered a minority, you'll likely not have any issues at all. But if you travel to someplace where you are the minority or are obviously not normal looking, you should expect to be harassed by local law enforcement.


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