I'll try to keep this short, sweet, and to the point.
I, like so many of you, love this game. Possibly more than we should. But for me, before this game, I had truly lost most of my interest in video games as a whole. Every year, various problems get worse and 2023 was the final straw for me. Ever increasing greed (Blizzard, Unity, EA, just every studio really). To say they came out in a lazy, incomplete, greedy state undersells it I feel. I truly feel we're still on the brink of another video game crash. Because the crash wasn't just one game (E.T.) but was the general greed and terrible quality of the industry back then. Pushing new products (games, consoles, accessories, etc.) just to push new products with crazy turn around time all in the name of profit. And this year, just stacked with all prior years, I had enough.
This game is so good in all the right ways. The writing, the acting, the world feels alive. NPCs respond differently based on who you are and what you've done. Even banter between your party. A truly impressive amount of thought put into things allowing you the player to really play however you want. It's not a mad loot carousel because your character power isn't based on gear directly and is tied to the character which allows for far more interesting items. There's no greed either, no stupid 'sEaSoN pAsS', no excel spreadsheets worth of 'versions', no subscription, no shop using real money for gear/cosmetics, no 'planned DLC' that's obviously content they cut out in order to sell back to the consumer. Heck, this game supports multiplayer... REAL multiplayer in that I don't believe you ever actually need a dedicated server. I believe you can do direct remote, split screen co-op, and LAN play... what other game in the last decade does that?
It reminds me of how games used to be before Bethesda broke the seal with horse armor.
BG3 is just a complete, high quality game, for gamers. It feels like it was made with love, care, and respect. And playing the game brings me joy.
Wifi is just radio. So, having your access point or wifi enabled router surrounded by things is bad for your wifi experience.
To a certain degree, you can do a "poor-mans" way of figuring out how good your wifi would be by just putting a speaker where the wifi should be coming from, then go someplace else in the building and ask yourself, "Can I hear the music still?". You get an idea of how the wifi is moving about. (Keep in mind, it's not perfect, but if you don't want to use apps or specialized equipment and want to wing it... this will work in a pinch). Sound is better than light because wifi will penetrate walls/floors/etc, where light won't, so you can listen against said surfaces and close doors, etc, to get a general idea of things.