Videos of people popping bubble wrap will be allowed on Saturdays obviously! Other than that, I am not sure but when I get that far I will let everyone know! Oh and if you have any suggestions let me know I'm a smooth operator and a good listener.
Consider providing detailed irrefutable facts and information instead of name calling. That would be more productive would you not agree?
That would fall under racism and dealt with accordingly. People do not choose where they are born and far too often do not have control over what their government does.
Thank you for this. This is what weighed on me while making this choice. It is important to know that their actions may have indirectly contributed to a violent insurrection and the rise of hate-based speech.
Fox News has been criticized for its use of fear-mongering and its presentation of opinions as facts. I would be happy to vet any other sources that you find concerning on a case-by-case basis.
I believe that it is important to have a diversity of news sources, so that we can get a variety of perspectives. However, it is also important to be critical of the sources we consume, and to be aware of their biases.
I like this idea but please know at this time I am basically on a tricycle with one bum wheel, and I know I will need all of your input to help me make this community the best version of itself. I will always listen and learn. PM me tell me more I like this idea!
I was waiting for this question! Everyone means including white people lol! I a more mixed then a bottle of nuts think of me as a mutt persay. I have been raised by people from all walks of life white, black, mexican, russian, to put it simply you name the ethenic group and I can tell you something about their culture and if I cant I will be the first one my nose in a book to learn. It can mean different things to different people. But I think we can all agree that it's important to have a variety of different people in our community. That means people from all different backgrounds, with different experiences and perspectives.
I know what you're thinking: "We need to be more diverse." And you're right. We can always learn from each other and grow as a community.
So how do we make our community more diverse? Well, for starters, we can start by welcoming people from all over the world. We can also make sure that our discussions are inclusive and respectful of everyone's viewpoints. And finally, we can challenge ourselves to think outside the box and consider new ideas.
I think if we all work together, we can make our community a more diverse and inclusive community. And that would be pretty chill, wouldn't it?
Oh I almost forgot the way you framed that question makes me wonder if you are talking about that sudo fear of "replacement theory". Please clarifiy because I noticed some of your concerns was that I would chase away all the white folks and have BBQ and collared greens everyday 🙃
Hey fam you good! You are a lot like me when it comes to posting I just had to be sure that you were you and not a robot!
Echo chambers are unhealthy and create an environment that pushes out people that could possibly benefit from being in a community that is different from their own views. While I know that is important, I will say this there will be zero tolerance for hate speech. Conversation is encouraged as long as it is respectful, and it does not become a pissing match or promotes hate.
I've had the pleasure of meeting people from all walks of life, including some who have despised me for who I am. But I believe that everyone has the potential to grow and become the best version of themselves. Life is about second chances, redemption, and education.
That being said, I will not tolerate discrimination against any marginalized group. If you see someone being discriminated against, please reach out to me and I will handle it.
I know that some people grow up around dinner table enablers, who hear hate at the dinner table and grow up being fed it day in and day out. This gives them a twisted perception of reality and the world around them.
It's for this reason why I'm a firm believer in second chances. However, each issue will be dealt with on an organic case-by-case basis to ensure fairness. I know this isn't a firm direct answer, but it's the best I've got.
On another note: I also want to say that I'm tired of trolls, gaslighters, and dog whistlers. I have zero patience for it. If I see any of this behavior, you'll be banned for 16 days the first time, and permanently banned the second time.
I hope we can all create a safe and welcoming space for everyone.
BINGO that's right case by case basis and thank you for being nice to me. I am here for you and everyone. I did not know I would be here to be honest but now that I am I want to see this community thrive!