this post was submitted on 15 Jul 2023
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Video from the near scene showed flames shooting from the facility and a large amount of smoke rising into the air.

Iberville Parish Sheriff Brett Stassi said air monitoring outside of the facility did not detect any dangerous chemicals.

Iberville Parish Emergency Preparedness Officials urged residents within a one-half mile radius of the plant to “shelter in place”. The order means residents should remain indoors with air conditioning units turned off. As of 11pm Friday, that order was still in place. Officials said that order was put in place out of “an abundance of caution.”

“The Dow Fire Unit is cooling down the tanks in the area where the fire occurred, and they’re still telling us that no one was injured,” Stassi said about thirty minutes after the incident.

Kenneth Haydel was near the plant with family members and said he heard several explosions within a few seconds of one another. “We looked up in the sky and the whole sky was lit up orange,” Haydel said.

Residents as far away as along Burbank Drive in Baton Rouge reported that the explosions shook their homes.

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