
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 days ago

I agree, I bought them on sale a while back

[–] [email protected] 4 points 4 days ago (3 children)

suite of problems

Lol not sure if this is a joke or a typo

[–] [email protected] 5 points 5 days ago (3 children)

Video scalers my dude. Proprietary yes, but Chinese is questionable. Crestron, Extron, QSC, all major video products based out of the US, tho I believe only Crestron manufacturers in the US.

[–] [email protected] 31 points 6 days ago

I half expected this to be posted by him lol

[–] [email protected] 8 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago) (1 children)

Lol, but like didn’t Goku like live off of dinosaur steaks as a kid? Gohan also fights a T-Rex and makes lunch from its tail a couple times.

What’s the original image btw?

[–] [email protected] 102 points 1 week ago (2 children)

As long as they keep the title Spaceballs 2: The Search for More Money I’ll be happy. I mean may as well be honest and upfront about it.

[–] [email protected] 11 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Did they really? Not surprised I hadn’t heard about it

[–] [email protected] 14 points 1 week ago

I̶̲̮͎̦̼̭̙̼̥̲̩̦̅̽̀̈́͑̌͗͐̊̌͝’̴̢̝̦͓͈̺̞͔̓ṃ̵͍͉̠͇͍͙́͒̌̐̐̍̋̋ ̶̢̟̱̝̌̑͜n̷̢̦͎͖͔̬̎̈́͝ö̴̢̧̧̥̜̞͎̜̯̣͎͉̈́̐͂̊̏ͅt̸͕̬̹̺̱̥̼̲̹̬̲͂̑̓̐̍̋̇̍͜͜͝ ̴̨̧͎̖͕̼̼͍̹̘̘͇̟͎̈́͒͐a̸̛̻̭̘͎͎͎͔͉̹̖̝̅̂̏͆͐͑͛͑͝ͅͅͅ ̶̡̡̖̮̞̍͂͋͊̿̊̋̑͒̅́͝b̴̧͙̐̓̌ȧ̶̜́̋̉̊͗̿́͊͋͐̐͑͠d̷̹̼̻͕̮̘͓̰͑ ̶̛͈̹̓͗͗̓͝s̸̡̳͈̣͍̬̮̪̀̒̑̋̈l̷̡̧̞̭̬͖̘̻͖̙̬̪̔͑̌͒̉̑̀ͅͅͅí̶͈͈̼̯̥͉͎̭̘̱̮͈̠̗͊͛̏̿͛̌̑̏̎̾̕͝m̸̧͚̲͓̻͚͚̯̺̣͇͉̱̆̀̌͊̏̋̐͑̾̑͛͘͘͠ë̸̢̻͚̝́̓

[–] [email protected] 20 points 1 week ago (3 children)

Wait, people don’t like Faith of the Heart?

[–] [email protected] 25 points 1 week ago

Right? At what point to you just take his car away? $83k in fines already

[–] [email protected] -4 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (1 children)

Some of these arguments are a bit disingenuous.

First argument is about a Steam forcing published to sell games at high costs and using a major publisher known for overcharging already as a counterpoint. Yes the publisher that charges $90 for a deluxe edition game and still includes a battle pass system and other garbage is going to overcharge anywhere. You know that the point here is clearly referring to smaller publishers who are probably being pushed to charge $60 for a game they’d rather charge less for, but Valve may want to keep game prices high across the board so as not to make the Activisions out there look absurdly high. Its price fixing.

Steam forces users to buy DLC on their platform. Your counterpoint is about Venmo’ing a dev cash and getting a DVD in return, which is just such a bullshit counterpoint. Did you suddenly forget Steam’s key system that enables you to purchase games on other sites and redeem the code on Steam? By keeping DLCs in Steam Valve can keep costs up on them at $1.99 each (talking cosmetics and micro DLCs) where another site might offer a bundle purchase of 10 for $5 or something since those DLCs may not sell anymore on older games.

Steam takes 30% of the cut. Yeah that’s a lot. You’re acting like these devs would fail if it weren’t for the good graces and will of Valve because they give them access to the number 1 platform or whatever. That’s a huge cut for small publishers. All Valve is doing is handling the transactions and taking a 1/3 of the ticket price at the door. Never mind these publishers also need to pay overhead, employees, bills, etc, something that’s made more difficult for small publishers selling games they don’t want to charge $60 for. The 30% take off the top goes right back to Steam forcing devs to keep their costs high. If devs want to pay the bills, they can’t charge what they expect to, they have to charge much more to compensate for that 30% loss. Plus this forces a cost increase on other platforms because the dev can’t charge one price on Steam and another on Epic, it would piss off people who primarily buy games on Steam.

Steam is consistently the lowest cost. That’s just patently false. Yes Steam does great sales regularly. What about Humbles $25 for a ton of game bundles? GoG? Epics constant take this free game? There’s tons of sites out there. I buy games on plenty of other sites than Steam, not because I just felt like trying something new, but because you can find better deals if you look.

Lastly you talk about inflation and how AAA games stay at $60, but they haven’t have they? What’s the last AAA game you bought that was just $60? These days it’s $60 for the base game, but you’re missing key parts of the game unless you get the $80 version, but hey you’re already spending another $20, so why not throw in an extra $10 and buy the deluxe edition which also gives you this cool item to get you ahead, plus some cosmetics, by the way there’s also a loot system + battle pass + you must purchase each season to play + a subscription cost. AAA games aren’t $60 anymore. Shit like that is exactly why something like Baulder’s Gate can come out at $60 for the FULL game and make such a fuss with other publishers because that’s how it should be.

Regardless if it’s copied from another instance I’ll reply anyway to your arguments.

Don’t get me wrong, I love Steam and have spent a ton of money on the platform, but I won’t pretend their gods gift to gamers and can do no wrong.

[–] [email protected] 14 points 2 weeks ago

Lol it’s a joke.


I’m either blind or this isn’t a feature of this app yet, but there doesn’t seem to be a feature yet to add an account to a block list.

I’m just so tired of seeing [email protected] posts.

I believe I’ve seen that Lemmy has a bot account flag for repost bots like b0t, it would great if you could filter all accounts flagged as bots too.


I’ve noticed this bug for sometime. While scrolling sometimes the context menu registers a touch and opens when not intended.

A tight fit (
Yee (

Saw this post, which brings up a good point that we are still using Imgur for image hosting, tho not specifically for the reason they give, but partly yes because it had been the Reddit standard.

Imgur is convenient because everyone uses it, it offers free image hosting and has no size restrictions. It’s been the winning go to for image hosting for a decade.

I personally only use Imgur because that’s what’s been baked into Apollo, and now Memmy, tho I do not keep a personal account.

However, Imgur is migrating towards monetizing user data and supplying ads. As part of that, they are now restricting what (legal) content may be uploaded, no longer allow anonymous content, and now ban content from being viewed via VPN. I’m sure there are more reasons to add to this, but as things move towards federating content I think it makes sense to use a federated solution to host image uploads.

This of course is probably a tall ask for a number of reasons. Of course this would put a huge strain on whatever instance became to go to for image uploads as all users using Memmy would be shoehorned into using that instance, plus a number of other reasons.

But I guess what I’d like to ask is: **is there a better option for easy image uploading for Memmy? **

One thought is, users could create their own accounts on whatever image hosting instance they want and have Memmy log in their PixelFed (or even Imgur) or whatever account for image uploading. That way it’s on the user rather than forcing an option.


There’s plenty of posts on the topic about being compromised, followed by the exploit being tracked back to an XSS exploit that I believe works on instances with custom emojis enabled. Many instances have been quick to jump on this such as and Behaw which took itself down temporarily.

Does this affect

If so what are the admins doing about it?

Can we get some sort of admin post about this? Last update from them was some time ago.

Hopefully the admins have 2FA enabled on their accounts.

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