
joined 2 years ago
[–] Calanthesrose 1 points 1 year ago (2 children)

I don't think I've tried those brands, but I will have to.

[–] Calanthesrose 1 points 1 year ago

Some of the other name brands are expensive, too, but so much better than La Croix.

[–] Calanthesrose 12 points 1 year ago (10 children)

If you want something to replace soda and don't want artificial sweeteners, flavored carbonated water can scratch that itch. There's some that are low sugar and some that are no sugar. They have some really interesting flavors, too. La Croix is not a great brand, in my opinion.

[–] Calanthesrose 1 points 1 year ago

Honestly, you're not wrong. I just want to have hope in humanity. 😭

[–] Calanthesrose 4 points 1 year ago (2 children)

I'm also in Colorado and unaffiliated. I ended up voting for Gabriel something on the democratic ballot. I'm probably more leftist than you are. I kinda wish that I had thought of what the other commenter said about voting for a Republican that's not Trump.

If you go the route of voting for a Republican that's not Trump, research the candidates and choose the lesser evil. Most of them should have websites for their campaigns. If they don't have one, don't vote for that person. They probably aren't serious about it.

[–] Calanthesrose 1 points 1 year ago

Oh man, I wish I had thought of this.

[–] Calanthesrose 8 points 1 year ago (4 children)

Your confidence is admirable. Keep being awesome.

[–] Calanthesrose 1 points 1 year ago

That was Arkansas.

[–] Calanthesrose 1 points 1 year ago (2 children)

US. I had Elementary kindergarten-4th (5-10). Middle school was 5th-7th (/10/11-12/13). Junior high was 8th-9th(13/14-15). High school was 10th-12th (15/16-18/19).

[–] Calanthesrose 15 points 1 year ago

I'm on Slowly, too! I have one penpal that I've been writing to for several years now!

submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by Calanthesrose to c/dating

Is it for personal ads? Talking about dating? Dating advice?

Eta: I love you all. You're brilliant.


Y'all, I forgot to turn on my alarm this morning and almost slept through going to work, but I woke up in time to call and say I would be late. Apparently the sleep helped some, though, because I made it through the day. I cried a bit during lunch, but I still count this as a win. I also spoke to my supervisor and gave her the broad strokes of what's going on. She suggested that I get a doctor to sign off on FMLA in case I need more days than my sick days. She also got on the HR guy's ass about getting me my benefits so I have insurance. I AM SUPPORTED AT WORK! It feels awesome. I have hope that I didn't have yesterday. Still having my breakdown, but I have hope and I'm proud of myself for making it through the day.

Thank you to everyone in this community that gave me support the other day. Your kind words helped me so much. Hugs to all of you that want them.

Emotional Breakdown (self.mentalhealth)

I'm in the middle of an emotional breakdown. I haven't been properly medicated or had effective therapy in almost a year because of not having insurance. I had gotten a job last September and moved to a different state, so lost my state sponsored insurance, and wasn't there long enough to get insurance. It took me until last month to find another job and I've moved to yet another state for it. This is all to say that I've been under a lot of stress, my anxiety high, and depression pretty bad since I lost my insurance. On Thursday my anxiety went higher than it has in years and has not come down. I have no support network. I'm not looking for advice. Just some kind words.


This is the autumn lace-edged granny throw from Herrschners. For various reasons, it's taking me a long time to finish it. I haven't been in the mood to crochet the last few months, but just got the urge to. Hopefully my mojo is back. Or is it cojo?


And didn't leave a note or any contact information. Prior to this, my car had no body damage.

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