RA3 was OK. While RA2 was my favorite, The third one was fun, especially any mission where I could send Tanya to a horrible end.
Tech trees are fun
I've tried to tell her that kissing girls is really great but she doesn't believe me.
2008 was the last cold winter in Tulsa? I live there and I distinctly remember february 2011. The power didnt get knocked out, but there was over 2ft of snow that stayed for a long time.
My not-so-expert opinion is that someone who really and truly believes there is an all-powerful invisible man in the sky who watches their every move is more likely to be swayed by a cult using the same trappings.
Interesting how effective a strike is.
I asked my wife and she says "ew - no." She tried kissing a girl as a teenager and didn't like it.
This is only a sample size of one, and I don't have any conspiracies I can make out of it so I'd gather more info before trying to leap to any conclusions.
I lost ten pounds this last week and all I had to do was catch norovirus.
"But what about the shareholders‽"
"Want me to leave the radio on, little buddy?"
Don't need to breach it, just need to fill the ventilation shafts and block the door shut.