So he is using Republican money on himself rather than Republicans? You would think that's the big nono. Is it?
He should have went with Tiffany. Nobody remembers Tiffany, she could be perfect plant.
Do you remember RIF? And that time reddit forced all the third party apps to change their names by adding "for Reddit" at the end? So RIF changed the name to "RIF is fun for Reddit", that is "Reddit if Fun is Fun for Reddit". Good times.
I was talking about the "Holding Biden Accountable" tweet. I can't possibly imagine a "Biden cult". Or supporting any politician is not automatically a cult behaviour?
Awww look at them pretending they aren't pro Trump and failing. "MAGA are bad but liberals are absolute and utter evil!"
J'accuse, mon petit fromage
file - downloads
me: /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/org.mozilla.firefox/files/Download or /storage/3564-3130/Android/data/org.mozilla.firefox/files/Download here I come!
Mike Johnson discharge would be called johnsonrhea.
Said the generation that couldn't start their brains after return.
"Since overthrow of President Jacobo Arbenz of Guatemala in 1954 in a US-backed coup in support of the United Fruit Company (now Chiquita Banana)." From Google.
Also Chiquita to plead guilty to ties with terrorists 2007
The company has long history of evil.
Pushing through a book that is not working is detrimental to every party involved - the author, the book itself, and primarily to yourself and your time. You should never do that.
Still do not understand how this wasn't hostile takeover.