I might have to retract the "flawless" part of my "sales pitch". I tried to make it spontaneously work on my work laptop using Fedora and it did in fact, not work. To visually show how it should work, I made a picture with an iPad where it actually does work with my work desktop with 2560x1440 resolution, 60fps. But, it did worked in the past, so I am fairly certain I just suck at using my device. If it would work it appears just as any other capture card..as weird webcam device.
But as said, you need a splitter before the card and then one output into the card. I actually spend a minute to locate a non-black HDMI cable just for you! https://imgur.com/a/BvZDZRJ
Just use the Nextcloud notes app? It does markdown, technically it only edits md files in the notes folder. But markdown means lists
Edit :but alarms seems to be a no, you could use task.org if you got a Nextcloud anyway, checkboxes seem to not work as '[ ]' but should
Edit 2: apparently I was too stupid to type properly, it does have checkboxes
Desktop: https://imgur.com/a/uBRibEG Mobile: https://imgur.com/a/fuljOtB
Not so sure about best but it does work kinda like you want to