I also had a very chill day in which I did little and left early. Good stuff.
I stopped giving holiday gifts for people many years ago and feel great about it. My partner and I don't do it either. For me the only thing it did was cause me stress. If people give you grief for it, then question them why they would want you to have to do something that would make you feel bad. Someone who loves and respects you should not want you to go through that. Like other people said, if you need to give your roommates something give cash. Then they can actually get what they want.
My partner also has that gene. I love cilantro so it works out.
We've seen the potential solution to the problem. We need more research.
That's all I did during summer breaks as a kid. My friends and I practically lived on our bikes.
I'm guessing a lot of them.
Lindsey Graham has got to be a CEO of some insurance company. Where's our boy?
Just like the earth
As a fellow PDXer this is valuable information.
Having the control over your system at least gives you the full ability to tweak things. I've been daily driving you know what for a couple of years now and have had no breaks even with multiple updates per week. It does the usual web browsing, listening to music, and gaming on Steam with no problems whatsoever.
I hope it was a perfect phone call.