
joined 2 months ago
[–] [email protected] 13 points 15 hours ago

Years ago, I made a special long-distance trek to a specific animal rehab center just to hold a baby spider monkey. They took animals from other zoos across the country being shut down for abuses, so they were real careful with their charges.

It was one of the best things I’ve experienced. She was adorable and clingy. And I got to pet (nose) and feed an adult male hippo the same day because they had him penned to clean his enclosure. Fucking terrifying, that; he was super gentle, but if he’d wanted out, that pen wasn’t stopping him.

You put a baby monkey sign out and I’m as good as baited. Every time. I’d probably fall for a lamb or kid (goat kind not human kind) or really any baby animal, as long as mama is chill with it.

[–] [email protected] 17 points 16 hours ago* (last edited 16 hours ago)

Most terrestrial snails are hermaphroditic, according to the info I’ve found, so boys can also be snail girls, if they want :)

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 days ago (1 children)

If you make the popcorn like kettle corn or Carmel corn, with the sealing glaze, I could see this being amazing. Super difficult to get right, but man that could be awesome! (Probably still wouldn’t be but hey)

[–] [email protected] 10 points 2 days ago

Considering the lifescript tells people they are a failure if they are not paired off (and reproducing in the suburbs as a single income family, all unattainable goals these days), you do actually have to choose. It’s easier for a lot of people to have a string of bad relationships than “give up” as you put it, and nobody ever says “don’t date anymore!” Quite the opposite.

But at a certain point a person may realize the effort isn’t worth whatever nebulous “reward” supposedly comes from being paired off, because they can get all the same stuff from other social bonds. Then they choose to stop engaging, even passively, with the dating scene. (By passively, I mean they are no longer receptive to the idea of dating, even if the planets line up)

I see this as a very deliberate choice. It’s one I made for myself. It’s a harder choice for a lot of people because it means focusing on other relationships, building up the social circle you need to have your emotional needs met, and loving yourself as you are with no change needed to accommodate another. But it’s an equally valid choice all the same, especially when our species doesn’t do monogamy well at all, but does do social-support bonds very well.

It has nothing to do with learning to love yourself to be a better partner. People who have deliberately chosen to stay single don’t care if they are a good monogamy partner because that’s not what they are looking for, and they actively don’t want it if it does show up. Implying it is is like all those people who tell people that have chosen not to have kids “well you’ll change your mind!!” It’s dismissive of the decisions they made for themselves for reasons no-one else is privy to. And all those people who were told they’d change their mind about kids.. didn’t change their mind, shockingly.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

Thanks. I knew it was wrong; autocorrect underlined it. But I didn’t care enough to look it up since it didn’t suggest the right thing.

Idk who downvoted you for that, but they suck.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 3 days ago (1 children)

This is basically the purpose of those eeeeeextra long finger nails some ladies wear. They are nearly impossible to do most things with, and are thus a show that you don’t work with your hands.

Watching people at work struggle with them is interesting tho.. I’m sure the irony is lost entirely on them.

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