Is there a proper way to post your passwords online?
Isn't this just advising to check if a domain name has a reputation or history?
I ride the bus to and from work which involves using a machine to scan my phone as I get on. This machine is defeated by sunlight, the scanner has significant difficulty scanning my phone screen on sunny days, I live in a very sunny place..
This person should buy a lottery ticket!
Hasn't this always been around? I think I even occasionally had related conditions but for chores, school work, .. growing up until I found my interests in school and professionally
Remarkable 2 may be an option for you, I transfer PDFs via a free Dropbox subscription
Thank you! Since starting to use Hardcover I've actually started reading Sci-fi/fantasy during my commute to relax, I forgot how that can be a relaxing break from work/studying/life..
Thanks, deleted my account
Thanks, giving it a try although I don't have a whole lot of time for reading books other than test prep ones these days
If you have one of those halo things your already kind of dead right?
I tried to report one that had fake study content for an exam I needed to take when I was looking for any study materials I could use and they had me jump though hoops to simply report it so I gave up