8:30-3:00 baby, though honestly 3:45 or 4:00 would be better. I get 40 minutes for lunch and 90 minutes alone without students. I've got it nice.
I'm not seeing the most basic bit of advice in my brief perusal, but even so it needs repeating: find a camping buddy. That is by far the easiest way to get into camping. And honestly you shouldn't be going out on your own as a novice anyway.
Ask the people you know, or the people THEY know. If that doesn't work then try local camping groups near you. Lots of people are looking for others to go camping with, so you're a commodity! Get together with them before your first trip to go over packing lists and menus, and maybe even go grocery shopping together before hand. I really didn't recommend going out there in your own, buying everything you need, etc etc. Start with someone else, see if you're into it, and next steps will be obvious. You were born to live out there, it comes pretty naturally no matter how many thousands of years your people have been in the city--you were out there much much longer!
Flying the flag upside is a distress signal. People who use it as a political statement are misusing the flag, and that is the actual disrespect here.
Your therapist should be helping YOU make that realization. They actually have an ethical obligation not to make recommendations like that, as far as I'm concerned.
But friends are definitely supposed to tell one another what they're seeing, that's what friends are for!
This is so much more complex than the HGP
Not with a sailor in the mix, it's not!
Nobody was being asked for their social media credentials, it's not like you have to give them full access. What happened was that the attorneys looked the jurors up and went through their old posts, all stuff that was publicly available. One of the jurors they dismissed posted a picture of people celebrating Biden's election win, and that was enough to show that they were biased.
What band are you talking about?
Pepperoni and pineapple pizza. The sweet and tangy go sooooo well together!