Man id just settle for nsfl/xxx. I don't know how we got to the point where horrifying decapitation is the same as you might see a nipple. But I hate rolling those dice.
Blast from the past indeed. I've never heard this song with it not being part of an anime music video.
A great lawyer would just put a scale under the stand.
Just started rewatching this show cuz me and my friend were talking about it. Theres an upscaled version this guy's hosting for free that's pretty good. Show holds up. Id post link but upscaled invader zim its like result 2 on Google or something.
Whelp. You made me go watch le telepathé again... Thanks I guess
Is ssd required even a thing? I mean sure it's faster but... Only?
I like bidness. I'm stealing bidness and inserting it whenever I feel the need to defeat the huns.
I mean even then... Feel like this guy with this name with this skin tone isn't exactly gauging how inclusive Republicans are correctly.
Force myself to stop thinking in words and start thinking in pictures. Otherwise I'll never actually get to sleep.
There's a Phoenix metaphor here somewhere
It's dos2 with better team interactions narratively. Like ur buddies can add points to ur persuasion rolls and stuff. Super nice.