fuck them kids, amirite?
pretty fanfuckingtastic let me tell ya.
it seems like that’s a miracle these days. empathy and decency went out the window a long time ago.
when society is collapsed, can we find that curtis yarvin motherfucker?
always follow the money brotha.
This is what fascists do, negotiate buying another’s company, forcibly through the state. they’re so fucking scared of tiktok it would be hilarious if it wasn’t so fucking sad what this country has become.
No not at all, i have just given up all hope on seeing any kind of justice like that in the united states.
i agree wholeheartedly. there ain’t no warfare but class warfare. look at iraq, do you really think we would have gone in if they were just another dirt poor country? naw.
you vote for shot, you get shot in return. sympathy for the ones who didn’t vote for this, or couldn’t.
I am new as well comrade.
and should gulp it down with a warm jug of piss for good measure.
it’s akin to torture. this country has a lack of empathy issue….