The funny grumble my dog makes when he wants me to pet him, and the majestic song of his people my pug can make. Video:
Can anyone tell me why I can't login to Funkwhale with my instance? No matter what I do I can't use it. I tried using one of their suggested instances too and nada.
His solo albums are fantastic!
I loved my late forties, and I love being 50. A lot is hard for me right now but the good things are good and I'm grateful for feeling like I fit in with my friends and at work.
It was so prevalent Facebook actually made a tool to identify it in 2017.
I actually have driven by a sign for it, yes, when I went through Kentucky, and it's bizarre. And absolutely there are American oligarchs funding this, that's why the book Dark Money is so good. Hell, American millionaire William Regnery openly funded Richard Spencer's National Policy Institute (, and John Tanton has created the anti immigrant network the Tanton network ( Literally funding racists in the US. The Koch brothers fund a great deal of dark money activity.
And yes, absolutely people will spread health disinformation of their own accord, but it was a deliberate pattern across Livejournal in those days. That's all I can say. Here is an article from a few years ago about how Russian trolls were so prevalent that Facebook made a tool to identify that you had liked Russian troll content, in which Brooke is quoted.
Don't think this tool exists anymore. But that's how prevalent it is.
Ok, I don't want to argue, and I'm sorry I don't have more links. I really do recommend the podcast as it's excellent in general. I trust Brooke with my life and everything disinformation related and I believe her. I was on Livejournal in those days and I can say that scary things happened because of the crunchy mom shit that seemed to originate from there. I don't want to fight with you, and if you think differently that's fine, I'm not against changing my mind or anything. This is a pretty good study though on the phenomenon of Russian trolls as well on vaccine disinformation that does prove the point that they do this.
Regarding Russian funding these things, dark money is a powerful thing. Honestly it's so crazy to read about. The country being poor doesn't mean that Russian wealthy people don't fund disinformation. This is an article on Russian oligarchs and their dark money, about 1 trillion, hidden abroad.
The best place to learn more about the early days of Russian weaponized disinformation on Livejournal is this podcast:
Re the shampoo and other crunchy shit, this is stuff my weaponized disinformation expert friend Brooke Binkowski and I have talked about extensively because we both used the site. Her professional opinion is that this was the early thought experiment stuff the Russians did to see what westerners would buy into, they dipped their toes into it with the crunchy mom stuff, and it really took off. This was later well documented. So some of this is just a professional's opinion, but if you were there and saw it, you'd know is all I can say. I realize this isn't the most satisfying answer, but see this article because Russian weaponized disinformation for vaccines is well documented.
Their adopted son claims they abused him. It honestly sounds a touch suspect, and they claim he's an addict and trying to extort money, but the South African CPS actually paid them a visit regarding their other kids. And an artist named Danny Brown claims that Ninja sexually pawed him at a night club, and another girlfriend of Ninja claimed he abused her too.
Ninja and Yo-Landi are definitely sketchy, apparently South Africans don't really like them at all, but I think some of this is untrue.
I still like Die Antwoord even though they've become Wildly Problematic. Those videos are an absolute mind bending experience.
Absolutely. I saw them live a million times in the 90s. I got pelted with Kraft Dinner more times than I can count.
World. But I did use one of the ones they suggested and that didn't work either.