My mentality is, do what you can, when you can. It seems overwhelming, because it is and it isn't just on you to control. It is mostly on the world governments and corporations to actually start initiatives to stop this from getting worse, and then actually get better later on.
You, yourself, cannot du much to influence change, and your impact with the things you choose to do to help, honestly won't help much in the grand scheme of things unfortunately.
So recycle, get a hybrid, or electric car when you can. Contribute to organizations that support the cause but don't stress about what you can do in the short term.
Anyone have some recommendations for best of Top gear episodes. Love these guys and watched for a few years, but felt weird watching old episodes at one point. Trying to keep up with new cars, and watching old episodes made me feel weird going back. Now, I think I can enjoy them for what it is.