
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 6 points 3 hours ago (1 children)

I clearly remember the moment when I realized that other people (other than weird fundies) were taking it seriously. I'm not sure what I had thought was going on, my best guess is that I thought praying and going to church was just a weird thing we were all supposed to do out of politeness, like not putting our elbows on the table.

[–] [email protected] 17 points 6 hours ago* (last edited 6 hours ago) (1 children)

I was really hoping Discovery was going to make their decedents the cause of "The Burn"

[–] [email protected] 6 points 6 hours ago

There's a local cart that does burrito bowls and half the positive reviews say something like "its like chipotle used to be"

[–] [email protected] 7 points 1 day ago* (last edited 18 hours ago)

~~My local invidious instance is borked too. Not sure if its related and I don't have time to investigate now.~~

~~Guess I need something else for background noise.~~

Edit: Took enough time to get a fresh image and its working again. Looks like I hadn't updated since September.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 day ago

Oh yes. I can see him as the hard-line / hard-logic XO of a Vulcan ship, akin to the "wej Duj" episode of LD.

[–] [email protected] 65 points 1 day ago (2 children)

My degree is in bio but if I'm remembering my coursework correctly, this is the legend that's supposed to be on it.

[–] [email protected] 47 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

For reference, the cost of living doubles every 25 to 30 years. $7.25 in 2024 is worth less than $5 in 2009 money. Less than the $5.15 that was the previous minimum wage.

[–] [email protected] 18 points 1 day ago

I agree in sentiment, but the lame duck doesn't start until November 6th. And we need to stop normalizing otherwise because the republicans have already weaponized it.


Biden delivered remarks from the Oval Office outlining his decision not to seek reelection, his first on-camera remarks since making that announcement on Sunday. In addition to explaining why he is ending his candidacy, he listed off his priorities for his remaining time as president.

“And I’m going to call for Supreme Court reform, because this is critical to our democracy,” Biden said.

Multiple outlets have reported that Biden is considering proposals to establish term limits for Supreme Court justices and an enforceable ethics code for those on the high court.

[–] [email protected] 40 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago) (1 children)

Peter Thiel is Elon Musk's even more evil version, who's been smart enough to mostly stay out of the press. I've been waving my arms about him since paypal.

[–] [email protected] 42 points 2 days ago (3 children)

George Kurtz has only crashed the world twice so he has one strike to go, I guess.

[–] [email protected] 21 points 2 days ago (5 children)

Growing up, our 20ish pound dog's best friend was the neighbor's dairy cow, so we started referring the cow as "moo dog."

Thank you (and the comic artist) for turning up that long forgotten memory.


These lots will sit empty while 12,000-plus people try to attend the event,” Eugene Pride President Brooks McLain writes in an emailed statement to Eugene Weekly. “Parking is being blocked starting before our festival begins.”0

Pride’s parking needs are “superseded” by an August 10 Ween concert at the Cuthbert Amphitheater, which is owned and operated by Kesey Enterprises, according to a press release from Pride organizers.

Per a 2006 concession agreement — a contract — between Kesey Enterprises and the city of Eugene, the private entertainment company has first right of refusal for parking around Cuthbert between May 1 and Oct. 31 annually.


I guess this means we've entered smoke season.


These days, our biometric data is valuable to businesses for security purposes, to enhance customer experience or to improve their own efficiency.

Facial recognition technology [...] scans images or videos from devices including CCTV cameras and picks out faces.

From supermarkets to car parks and railway stations, CCTV cameras are everywhere, silently doing their job. But what exactly is their job now?

Businesses may justify collecting biometric data, but with power comes responsibility and the use of facial recognition raises significant transparency, ethical, and privacy concerns.

If your password gets stolen, you can change it. If your credit card is compromised, you can cancel it. But your face? That’s permanent. Biometric data is incredibly sensitive because it cannot be altered once it’s compromised. This makes it a high-stakes game when it comes to security.


"We are thrilled that after an absence of around 400 years we now have beavers back and breeding."

She added: "The beavers have put a lot of effort into building and maintaining their lodges and getting their family settled, showing great perseverance and resilience during their relocation and then during the floods we’ve had over the last year,"


We have a release date and price ($7.99 usd) for the new DLC. Also info that there are features in the final not in the beta. Released on Steam first, Epic and WeGame "soon after."

Steam Page


... sentencing guidelines suggest a from eight to 14 months in prison. His sentencing is scheduled for Oct. 7.

Back on June 25:

Former Bob’s Burgers voice actor Jay Johnston agreed today to plead guilty to federal charges stemming from his participation in the January 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol. The 55-year-old actor [...] faces multiple charges including civil disorder and disorderly or disruptive conduct in a restricted building or grounds.


A lawsuit filed in California by concert giant AXS has revealed a legal and technological battle between ticket scalpers and platforms like Ticketmaster and AXS, in which scalpers have figured out how to extract “untransferable” tickets from their accounts by generating entry barcodes on parallel infrastructure that the scalpers control and which can then be sold and transferred to customers.

By reverse-engineering how Ticketmaster and AXS actually make their electronic tickets, scalpers have essentially figured out how to regenerate specific, genuine tickets that they have legally purchased from scratch onto infrastructure that they control. In doing so, they are removing the anti-scalping restrictions put on the tickets by Ticketmaster and AXS.

So Ticketmaster and AXS are suing to maintain their monopoly on scalping?


We recently had an unfortunate situation where an external magnetic hard drive was dropped while spinning. I knew before we even checked that the heads were gonners, and sure enough the drive seems dead. Unfortunately this was a drive inherited from a deceased relative that were starting to backup at the time the accident happened and now a lot of family photos are inaccessible if not gone forever.

I'm just getting my feet wet trying to find potential recovery services to get quotes, but I thought it was worth asking you fine folks if you have any experience that might help out. Companies to avoid or who may be worth it even if their quote is high.

One specific question I have pertains to what's recovered (since most of these services seem to charge based on the amount recovered): We're only concerned with photos but this was, at one point, the single drive in Mac, so there's tons of OS and other files we don't want or need. Are we likely to get charged for it anyway?


“Ten dollars is what you need on average to live a day on the street, and so that’s about two bags of cans. If you’re saying you can only bring one, you need two bags, (so) that’s two trips on the bus. How do you protect that one bag of cans while you’re going and canning on another?”

On missing redemption facility hours:

“If you don’t make it and you have to keep them,” she said, “if you’re homeless that means you don’t get to sleep that night. You have to stay awake and babysit your cans or someone’s going to come along and steal them from you.”


informed employees of the filing late Friday [...] that it had filed for a debtor-in-possession loan — a way for companies that are reorganizing after filing for bankruptcy to secure additional working capital to meet payroll. [...] employees have been waiting for paychecks since June 21st [...] it’s not certain that the company will be able to secure such a loan.

Chicken Soup took on $325 million in debt when it acquired Redbox in 2022 and has since been sued over a dozen times over unpaid bills.


Found via the author's Mastodon Post

Generally, the media has focused on the (mainly) men whose names and desires were taken from the company’s subscriber database and shared with the world. [...] Ashley Madison was never really about that. Avid Life Media, its parent company, wasn’t in the business of sex, it was in the business of bots. Its site became a prototype for what social media platforms such as Facebook are becoming: places so packed with AI-generated nonsense that they feel like spam cages, or information prisons where the only messages that get through are auto-generated ads.

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