
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 2 points 10 months ago

Thank you very much for keeping it active until now! It's not easy to manage a server, so I appreciate your efforts to maintain it and understand how hard it is to do it alone.

See you guys!

[–] [email protected] 6 points 11 months ago

I don't even read Chainsaw Man but the title of the chapter is a song I know lmao

Here it is for those who are curious:


First time using the YMF262!

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago (1 children)

What's the name of this painting?

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

The difference between AI art and human art is that humans can do art by picking up a pencil, maybe even some coloured ones, and a paper. I can ask a kid to draw a dog or something, and they'll draw some thing that kind of looks like a dog (or not at all lol). They wouldn't really need a drawing of a dog (or not even a picture sometimes) to draw it.

An artist could also look at a dog and decide to draw it, whilst adding other features that aren't necessarilly on the dog they're drawing to give it a style.

An AI artist cannot look at something and "draw" it. We could make something that can take pictures, but that wouldn't really be drawing. Usually, if someone would make a program to "draw" something, that program would also have to follow the instructions of an artist in order to draw. It also can't decide on it's own what it needs to draw, it doesn't get inspired.

Humans do not need to have other people's drawings in order to draw. There has to have been a first person who decided to draw, then others followed suite and developped techniques until art has evolved into what we know it is today

AI does need other people's drawings. It needs it in order to replicate a certain style to make an image a drawing and not just a picture. It can also "create" a new style or technique, but it would never be able to draw unless it analysed pictures beforehand.

Maybe something similar to how humans learn is if it was an AI that would do random scribbles, and if it ressembles whatever it's trying to draw, it would get positive feedback? That would take a lot of time though, so that's not what most developpers went for, is it?

I do believe AI art can be used as a good tool, but it's clear that the goal so far has been to try to find a way to replace the place that artists have in society currently. Kinda sad about it tbh

But yeah AI art and humans do not make art in the same way. Humans don't need another drawing to draw (at best a reference). They can get inspired by other drawings, but AI can't. It learns "what" is a drawing through a bunch of pictures, then tries to show something that looks like a drawing. It doesn't actually draw.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I'm not really sure if that'll work, but maybe the OP can post a description/summary of the keypoints in the news as an alt-text?

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago (1 children)

The soundtrack from Mean Bean Machine is awesome, highly recommend 👍

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

I mostly use a piano to learn my chords. I'm not sure if you have a piano, but since you mentioned practice, I'm going to asume that you do.

I first started learning about chords when my piano teacher taught me what they were and what's a major and a minor. They taught me the intervals, but I wasn't too sure what they meant at the time.Then they told me to go find the chords of some songs and to play along.

After that I kinda understood what the intervals in the chords meant, so I looked up what were the intervals of some other chords. I learned by heart what they were so that I could play them on the piano.

The catch is I'm not able to tell what notes are in a chord without a piano though. I can try to visualise it in my head, but I wouldn't be able to say immediatly what notes are there without playing it.

Since I mostly compose with a piano, or at least had a keyboard on screen, I never really had to think about it, so yeah that's about it for me.

As for the diatonic chords, the way I would do it is to learn and remember what types of 7th chords are in a major and minor scale so that I could find them in these types of scales.

TLDR: I would just remember the typical structures of diatonic chords in major and minor scales and find the notes once I play them on piano.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I like to read Open Music theory. I think the explanations there are well done.