We form opinions and feelings about places we've never visited. I get the sense that much of the vitriol directed at the current international villains e.g. Russia, China, North Korea comes from a place of ignorance and is shaped by news media.
Stop circlejerking the USA assholes. While the CCP system is not great, it's better than a duopoly totalitarian dictatorship.
Is your SO George Orwell?
That growth is disproportionately benefiting the ultra wealthy so this is good news. I'm sure they will change their ways and not retreat to their NZ bunkers.
- Getting a formal education.
- Getting an ADHD diagnosis.
- Learning about self awareness and meditation. Everything else flowed from these three things. Health and education is the foundation of happiness and fulfilment.
Learn about the main psychological disorders. There are many resources online that describe the DSM in plain language. Figure out if you identify with some of the symptoms of a particular disorder. Seek out a therapist who deals with the particular disorder.
Well, that was my method. Doctors and therapists can help us but ultimately we have to heal ourselves.
It's like the electoral map
They have that in common with Rick Astley.
First past the post is the real problem here.
In the UK we don't have any special rules for winter driving but in many parts of Europe drivers are trained for these conditions and it's illegal to drive on summer tyres, driving without emergency equipment, etc.
Would make a decent paperweight.
No. The evidence against him was fabricated because they didn't have any evidence.