Funny thing is, I don't own a printer, so when I need documents printed I go to the local library. Their computers run Linux, and of all the times I've gone to get a print done it's been an extremely flawless experience. No fuss, no hassle, just load up the document and print it.
Those goddamn Cloud People launching their attacks on the American way of life! It's an act of war!
Funny how today is the first day we've gotten any political fliers in my office, and the same day I see this. Didn't take very long at all for a Magat to assault one of us over the election, and I guarantee it won't be the last.
The board members chant collectively while convulsing and foaming at the mouth
For anyone who doesn't know, you can remove the Galaxy Store and any other Samsung bloatware you don't want using ADB. Root isn't required, but be careful when removing apps, you could accidentally remove something that's a dependency on something else you actually use. For me I desperately needed to stop the constant notification from the Samsung Account app telling me to sign in to continue.
"The full, detailed write up of my plans are within this cumbox, search carefully and thoroughly, many key details are very well hidden."
Yeah I tried getting it running on my Steam Deck and when the launcher kept telling me it couldn't find Fallout 4 I just uninstalled them both. Not worth the storage space and hassle.
Add this as a filter in uBlock Origin;
May change later, I know it's already changed before.
Maybe not so much a horror film but the closest thing to it this month was Long Legs. It was... interesting.
Also Borderlands is horrible, which is close in spelling to horror so maybe that counts too? I'm reaching here
I've been doing the FBI Surveillance van one for years. 50 is the 5G band and I have 24 as the 2.4G band.
My gaming desktop has a 5950x, I can run virtual machines and all games just fine. No reason to upgrade.
My Plex server runs an Intel 10400, handles everything I throw at it just fine. No reason to upgrade.
My home theater PC runs a Ryzen 1700 and again, runs just fine. No reason to upgrade.
I think the newest CPU in my house is either my Steam Deck's APU or the one in my PS5.
He buys another leather jacket, as a treat