Wisconsin has three major cities with VERY different personalities. One of them is very Portland/silicon valley (in its own Midwest-y way), one is borderline detroit-y, the other is an overgrown suburbia.
I think the heart of the accusation is "initial" in the headline. We're all seeing a repeat of bank bailouts, ppp loans, etc, where the bucket is going to run out immediately before anybody who actually needs it gets a drop, and everybody else is going to end up footing the bill.
Nobody has a problem censoring hateful and harmful content, so long as they're the ones that get to decide what that means.
They are rage, brutal, without mercy. But you. You will be worse. Rip and tear, until it is done.
Not the government totally sucks?
Yakety Sax
Only Rhode island and Massachusetts have it for hourly workers.
I've consistently seen buybacks trolled with 3d printed liberators and four winds shotguns.
Australian "buybacks" were a confiscation. Lipstick on a pig.
I'm pretty sure that's part of the joke.