I don't think thief is the right word. Would you consider someone who stands by a busker listening to their whatever and not throwing a coin in the hat, a thief as well? I get your point, I just think you went about it the wrong way. Who has the better claim to entitlement, the person who already got paid for the sponsorship based on their existing performance metrics, or me and my time? Are you a thief for taking a piss during a commercial break? Are you a thief for arriving late to movies to intentionally skip the previews? Where's the line here? I'm also not sure of where my hypocrisy comes in either. I have no fantasies about other people wanting to hear what I have to say, especially if it's going to cost them time or money. I'm not blocking advertisements and expecting people to watch mine. I don't have anything to advertise. If I wanted to make a shitty YouTube video to entertain people, I'll do that, but I'm not going to pretend that it's going to put food on my table. My real job does that. I'm not so vain as to think I deserve other people's time and attention. What makes Linus tech tips entitled to my time, or Mr beast, or whoever else is churning out mediocre content purely for profit?
Exactly!! I've been on the Internet for a long time. I remember the pre-youtube days. Way back when the Internet wasn't exactly profitable. That meant that the content you found was genuinely made just to share something. I remember the early days of YouTube where people were just making cool shit. A good example, and I understand people have opinions that differ, would be RoosterTeeth. Started as just friends making funny shit, and they did separate shit for money to support making the fun stuff. Now, they're a very different company owned by a mega corporation. They exist to produce favorable content and farm views. With the way that shit goes viral nowadays, there isn't really a chance for small communities to exist before whatever space it is eventually explodes. I'm not saying small communities don't exist, but there's a big difference between what was and what's become. Everything's so much more commercial and purely for the intent of clout or money. People are actively trying to meet KPIs to satisfy arbitrary algorithms. Just go back to making entertaining captivating content.
That's an awful lot of assumptions and insults coming through to someone who's just answering the question honestly. I'm not naive enough to think I'm advertisement proof, I just get tired of them and avoid them where I can. I'm failing to see what your point is
I'm only speaking for myself here, and I'm certain you're not going to like the answer I have to offer. That's not my problem. I don't like being advertised to. I don't like others telling me what I'll like or what to do. I'm a monster, I know, I also take pee breaks when commercials come on tv as well and I usually arrive late to movies so I can skip the previews.
Seriously though, I really don't care how they pay their bills, they're a dancing monkey on the sidewalk that I enjoy for a couple minutes and move on. If they can't afford to keep making content and quit, I'll just move onto the next channel that's still producing. It'll never run out, just like there's always going to be someone who sits through the ads or actually buys whatever their shilling. At the end of the day, it's their responsibility to make sure their shits handled, not mine. If they can't pay their bills, they should probably do something that offers a more steady income stream.im not obligated to give them my time in exchange for them getting money. They get my time in exchange for me being entertained, that's it. Maybe if they made content for enjoyment instead of money, they'd make better content.
Before we get to name calling, I am fully aware that this is a shit take, but it's the truth. I'm a cynic and I'm not very fun at parties either
She was the glizziest of gladiators from 1921 - 2016
I'd assume the logical way to eat that is with your hand. I feel like your choices are to manhandle the dangler and eat the bread first, or, you can hold it by the bread and fight the wiggler into your mouth. Both feel equally silly, but I'm down.
That makes a lot more sense. I just thought the author thought the blue shirts were green. I've not started star trek yet so that details lost on me, thank you for explaining!
It's definitely a very well made desktop environment. It's what I started with back in 06-08 when I started using Ubuntu. Ubuntu has a pretty well built mate flavor, as does Linux mint. The Ubuntu mate flavor is a great one to see what's functionally possible with mate. There's a bunch of preconfigured set ups matching various other operating systems and some unique configurations. On my main PC, I'm running garuda xfce, but with bspwm as the window manager. For my laptop, I'm running pretty much the same set up, but with Linux mint Debian edition in xfce/bspwm as well. Your set up is still rad though, I really dig it!
I dig it, although it's not very reminiscent of the gnome 2 I remember. Correct me if I'm wrong, didn't gnome 2 get forked into Mate?
About five years ago, I had my Facebook name set to be my first name three times, first middle and last. Facebook thought it was fake, rightfully so, so they demanded that I send photo ID to verify myself. At that time, I didn't have valid ID. didn't have valid ID for about seven years at that time, I sure as fuck wasn't going to get one just to use Facebook. I decided to just delete the account, then I deleted all of my other Facebook accounts, Instagram, LinkedIn, etc. they're getting way too greedy
Is the question "why automate when you can manually do it?" I think that's where the confusion may lie. Why wouldn't you automate it if you were going to do it anyway?