Nope, no, nonono, hell no.
Wow what a punishment, less than a week's worth of profit as a fine. This shit needs to be amplified massively, they're not being punished, they're just paying to keep doing it.
You're a silly troll, learn to read and you'd see I said I'm not religious or American. Hilarious you've just called out your own activity in this convo and tried to flip it on me. Keep deleting comments coward.
No it wasn't, it was saying "god doesn't like cock-suckers so I don't like cock-suckers" there was no "poking fun" you were just being mean. You deleted it to change the narrative, very fitting. "You and I both know" no we don't, you believe, but you know nothing. Maybe you should read the bible for once, it might change your opinion, the bible would actually tell you to "love thy neighbour", something the modern day Christian seems to really struggle with.
What about my response implied I was offended? I'm not gay or religious or even American so the "stop voting" comment is stupid. I just don't like seeing religious people telling others how to live their lives, LGBTQ can't even exist without being hated by supposedly "loving Christians". "Stay the fuck out of my life" what? This is a public discussion and I was responding? No one made you comment here lmao
Edit: why did you delete your original comment? You don't stand for your beliefs? You don't think calling all gay people "cock-suckers" is being a decent Christian?
Ever heard the phrase "mind your own business"? To people who don't believe the same as you, you're just waffling nonsense, believe what you want, stay out of people's lives. It's really easy.
Wouldn't be surprised if they're avoiding repercussions from the thin skinned cry baby, he seems to go after anyone that upsets him. Funny this sentence is accurate for both Musk and Trump.
This is just above average to you?
This is so wrong it's wild. Go watch CJI or ADCC the heavyweights are ripped. Nick Rod who won CJI last year is absolutely jacked. Even the smaller weight guys like Jay and Nicky Ryan are very muscular and that's just BJJ, if you're talking about MMA fighters not being muscular that's even more nuts, just go look at UFC roster or ONE FC roster and you'll see most guys are crazy muscular.
"The average American man probably has more muscle than a world class MMA fighter" haha... What?..
Thank you! Exactly what I was looking for!
This is fucking insane, AI gets things wrong all the time and now you're giving it access to medical records?? I'm assuming so it can make judgements on what healthcare you would need, yeah that's not going to go terribly. We welcome in our skynet overlords with open arms. : reminded me of this, my Dad used to love this!