Even if you let them know they can say shut up whenever, they likely won't. The best bet is to do the first option all the time, because even with permission, most people still wouldn't do it though they may want to.
It's funny, because a common symptom of ADHD is oversharing, especially early on in a relationship when it's less appropriate. This doesn't make them an asshole, of course.
What's not to get? He made his password 7 asterisks. Funny, because it's the same as mine.
It's not a "refresh rate" really. LED's are Light Emitting Diodes, and a diode is an electrical component that only allows electricity to flow in one direction. So an LED only works when electricity is flowing in one direction. Houses run on AC current (Alternating Current) with a frequency of 60Hz in the US. So if you plugged in normal AC into the LEDs, it would be off half the time, flickering 60 times a second. The LED light bulbs should have built in components that convert the AC signal into a constant DC signal. If you get normal bulbs that are well made, there should be absolutely no flicker.
Are you using a lot of computer screens at work? Because using computer screens can cause eye strain, and also cause you to blink less resulting in your eyes drying out. Both of those can cause headaches. If you do use a lot of computer screens, you should consider getting eye heat compress (my ophthalmologist recommended me this one). You should also be able to get normal store bought LED bulbs that do no flicker. Perhaps try the slightly more expensive name brand options if the store brand isn't working for you.
You are playing with fire. Except more dangerous. You have zero reason to be using such high DC voltage for photography.
It's pretty damn close to being an absolute. As someone who has never been involved in an adulterous relationship in any form, I would never get with someone who has cheated. They have shown they are absolutely willing to violate an intimate partners trust, lie about it, and leave them (likely with little to no guilt). If they can do it once, they can, and likely will, do it again.
Passionate love and Companionate love are two different things. And passionate love never lasts forever. If you're with someone who is willing to cheat to find that passionate love, then when it dies with you, they are likely to go on to the next short term passionate love.
If you want to make the argument that someone cheated in a relationship with an abusive partner, there are still substantial red flags there. Without showing how they've made great strides to be a different person (therapy, self improvement, etc) I can't see them being a trustworthy long term partner. And there is no way someone could have made those improvements if they went from one partner immediately to the next.
He should've had his towel.
Sorry about your luck, but it just so happens your local government doesn't agree with this opinion. You're now going to be jailed and beaten until you're formed, at which point you will be killed. Big brother is watching you
lol, it was last updated 3 days ago
I agree, but that... kind of seems like a blanket statement.
I wish it was true that nothing can be truly deleted on the internet. The reality is so very much has been posted and long since lost. There are some things I wish I could find traces of, but are likely lost to the vastness of the internet. Of course, you should treat everything like it cannot be deleted, but the reality is many things can, and have been, entirely deleted.