Dude, just use th.
State espionage agencies are going to try to hack both presidential parties. Trump has a record of ignoring security advice so he's gotta be really easy to hack. Vance might be a little better at the security thing, but his proximity to a weak link like Trump is still an exploitable vulnerability.
Despite how common that saying is, trains in Italy were a shitshow under Mussolini
I hadn't played in years and started a new world a few weeks ago. I just started setting up a raill system when the update hit and now the whole thing is fucked. Gotta tear up a bunch of diagonal sections and re-do them noe that the new track angles lead to different accessible grid points. I literally cannot connect new rails to the old rails on the diagonal section 🙃
It's literally a poem in the original language.
There's also a difference in medication with a prescribed dose and recreational pot where you pretty much just "feel it out".
Maybe you have your limit where you've got a slight buzz but still enough focus and reaction time to drive safely. But maybe that last nug you ground up was way more potent tab the last, and the same amount of weed gave you more THC than the last bowl.
I really want allele to find a test for Marijuana impairment that's a accurate to the moment of the test as a BAC test is, so we can replace sledgehammer bans where smoking on your day off can jeopardize your entire job.
Eh, a handful of Serbians did but there's not evidence it was a state-sanctioned assassination.
"Humans only need visible light"
Don't underestimate Colorado. Though it's largely the recent Denver transplants keeping up that stereotype, whereas it's the long-term Texans.
There's a cool thing where pyrex, Pyrex, and PYREX are all different kinds of glass, age only one of them is the really good scientific-grade glass.
Never feel bad for pulling insane shenanigans in munchkin. That's liberally what it's for.