
joined 2 years ago
[–] BanjoShepard 16 points 1 month ago

I didn't read "A Brave New World" until I was an adult and I found it disturbing in ways, many of which are showcased in this comic, that I think would have been lost on me in my adolescence. That said, I think an important part of the world building that is left out in this comic is that all people are born in a laboratory and their access to oxygen is deprived in calculated ways to limit their intellectual ability and ability to achieve societal success. Then repeatedly told over a loudspeaker during their infancy what class they belong to instil a deeply engrained knowledge of their place in the world.

[–] BanjoShepard 4 points 1 month ago

While a boiled steak would certainly taste terrible, as a strictly salt, pepper, ripping hot cast iron, steak enjoyer, steak tastes just fine by itself. Well by itself with the Maillard reaction.

[–] BanjoShepard 12 points 1 month ago (1 children)

"A disturbingly, disproportionately high number of those who work forces" just doesn't roll off the tongue. Then again, I wouldn't have thought that "All research and successful drug policy shows that treatment should be increased (Oh) and law enforcement decreased while abolishing mandatory minimum sentences" would make banging lyrics, but boy was I wrong.

[–] BanjoShepard 5 points 1 month ago (1 children)

I'm thinking of the hot dogs. While being chewed, swallowed, and digested seems like a horrible end, it can't really be much worse than their conception was to begin with. Such is the life of a hot dog.

[–] BanjoShepard 75 points 1 month ago (9 children)

I think an often overlooked part of the MAGA demographic is that it's comprised of two large groups: often rural, working class, conservative voters who vote on emotional or single issue areas like abortion, 2nd amendment, or military support and wealthy upper class business owners who benefit from reduced economic and environmental regulation. It seems Republicans in power always seem to pass legislation that benefits the later while screwing over the former, and yet they keep voting for Republicans anyway.

[–] BanjoShepard 7 points 1 month ago (1 children)

I teach English in highschool and assign every assignment that does not require lengthy writing to be done on paper. Granted most of my reasoning centers around increasing the time that students brains are activated while handwriting vs typing, reducing technological distractions, creating physical artifacts for future reference, and safeguarding academic dishonesty. Students struggle and clearly do not have much writing stamina, which is especially problematic for AP classes that require multiple times, hand written essays on the AP Exam.

[–] BanjoShepard 4 points 1 month ago

100% agree and it cleans up easier than regular syrupy soda.

[–] BanjoShepard 15 points 1 month ago

What a wonderful read.

[–] BanjoShepard 1 points 2 months ago

Wasn't an American Dad episode? I vaguely recall a character that speaks in a Canadian dialect with a Spanish accent.

[–] BanjoShepard 3 points 2 months ago

I feel this as Husker native turned KC transplant. At least one red football team wins games.

[–] BanjoShepard 5 points 2 months ago

They sure are chargering.

[–] BanjoShepard 2 points 2 months ago

I use one of these to eat lunch at work without having to store/carry two utensils. I have never used the knife, but I do find the double sided spoon fork combo very useful, even if it does draw a little chiding from my coworkers.

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