Got mine
Downvoted but right. Average people did play a part of this though. The part we played was supporting the big businesses that were fucking us over. Oh, a new sports car even though my old one works fine? COOL. Give me that, I'll pay whatever you ask.
Excess. We live a life of excess. They provide it, we accept.
Unfortunately people are greedy and material oriented. Even the good people have so much excess. They don't think twice to see anything wrong with it. Everyone driving brand new cars to keep up with the "Joneses" played a big part. This never should have been a thing. Vehicles should've been for transport and nothing else, vanity should have never been a factor but.. people.
Same with fashion. Never should've been a thing. Clothes are for covering your body. Never should've mattered so much how we look. Again, vanity.
Makeup. Same story. People want to look a certain way so resources are obtained, money is spent, excess is gained. Vanity satiated.
Sports stadiums? Malls filled with bs no one needs?
Wants vs needs. People don't know how to separate the two anymore.
Even those that claim to. Often especially not those people.
Excess. So much excess.
My area used to be filled with farms. All you'd see is trees and farms.
They sustained themselves. Grew their own food, mowed their own grass, usually had a creek for water etc. Self sustainable and produced an abundance of food.
Now the entire fucking area is just.. businesses to provide the excess. No need to rely on ourselves anymore. The corporations got our back right? Bought up all the land and replaced farms that could feed hundreds with... A smoke shop. Grocery stores everywhere. People aren't growing their food anymore, they've got corporations to do that for them as long as they work for the corporations enough to earn the funds.
It's so fucked up. I miss the trees, miss nature. It amazes me that people aren't outraged and protesting this. They're turning my entire region into a massive strip mall and the people are...
Okay with it because it provides the excess.
Okay with it because they lost touch with nature long ago and can't fathom the value of it.
We've traded self sufficiency for reliance on corporations.
We've traded strength for dependency.
We've traded church for Twitter.
Clean water for fluoride laced tap water.
Roaming buffalo for cars.
It's fucked up. Everything is fucked up.
We just don't know it yet because our needs are met and then some
Personally I think we should redirect to individual energy.
I'm all for nuclear power and do believe more plants would obviously be better than continuing to use FF.
But I also don't see why we don't just use solar panels/turbines etc. On every home. They sustain my home just fine, just some solar panels and a few batteries. Expensive initial investment but people are paying out the ass for electric in my area anyway.
Knowing that if the power grid fails I've nothing to worry about feels great.
I just can't see why our governments don't band together and mass produce solar panels. Yes, it's going to be expensive but the way we've been obtaining power has been much more costly. The second the tech for solar panels became available the gov should've began attempting to mass produce and distribute them. Why they haven't? My guess is that it's because big corporations require more power than average people. Also, power itself is a big corporation. None of our power companies wanted to go out of business, they wanted to leech our $ instead even though it was a detriment to our future.
Yep. I'm a mechanic, no expert of course but what I know from experience? Metals aren't eternal. They rust, they corrode, they oxidize (lol) they break in strenuous (or light) application and just in general aren't guaranteed. Nothing is. Wiring constantly fails. Batteries go dead. To top it off, we don't make things to last anymore. Everything seems to be made to last just until the warranty expires. Personally I consider every single product that isn't built to last as long as possible an utter waste of resources. I think it should be illegal to manufacture items that will only last a short time. Companies use up resources like we have an infinite supply so they can profit. Making vehicles that can hit 160-200 mph that will only ever travel on roads with a speed limit of 70-80 tops should be illegal. Hell, racing in general just shouldn't be legal, wasting all of these previous finite resources to go fast? All that time, all that technology for something useless? It's all so ridiculous.
I work on vehicles/equipment that are 30-50 years old that are much more reliable than the vehicles of the past 20 years. Simpler to work on too. If we ever do truly see Armageddon and lose the world as we know it, people are going to experience hell trying to get vehicles to run. Even the best mechanics I know can't fix many of the issues the new vehicles present without vehicle specific programs that the manufacturers won't release to the public. They're making vehicles/equipment that people won't be able to even use much less repair if society collapsed.
Yet an old truck from the 70's? Almost anyone can learn to work on them and you don't need any fancy tools to get them running. Can do damn near anything you need to with some vice grips, a flathead, a christen wrench and maybe a hammer.
It's getting bad. We would have had enough resources to sustain us for many, many years to come. Silver, gold, platinum? We mined and used most of it for what, jewelry?
Steel, iron etc? Building skyscrapers for millionaires to live in at overly expensive rates?
People are homeless, people are starving, people are living in poverty
And we had all the resources needed for a utopian civilization but traded it all so a small percentage of the population could live like Kings.
Oh god I'd never thought about it that way, we really fucked up
The elites that we have are a plague on humanity.
Not who you replied to but I agree with their sentiment and will tell you why.
1: At the rate at which we're destroying it, our planet won't sustain us forever so unless we're going to change our ways which most, especially big corps that do the most damage for profit, won't we need to focus on an exit strategy for the inevitable.
2: The sun will also die eventually of course. Won't be for a long time (hopefully) but that alone means earth isn't a forever solution for us and if we live long enough, eventually we will have to leave.
That "born too late to explore earth" bit hits my heart big time. I've always been sad that we can't do that anymore like we used to be able to. People a thousand years ago could just leave and explore if they wanted, then pitch a tent somewhere beautiful and live there if they chose. If you wanted you could live at the top of a mountain, or inside of a cave covered by a waterfall. Such beauty and freedom. It's sad that a thousand years later, all of our "progress" has essentially taken away nearly all of our freedom in that regard. You never had to be hungry back then, you could hunt or plant food nearly anywhere you pleased. Never had to be homeless, you could fell some trees and build a cabin somewhere beautiful. Now? Most people are fortunate if they can afford a vacation a few hours away once every year or so, if that. There's no peace of mind, we all work work work and scramble to fulfill as many of our endless obligations as possible. Then we retire, if fortunate enough and hopefully don't have to work as hard for a little bit and die. I've always had dreams of sailing the sea and exploring, almost like memories in my mind. Maybe it's a past life, maybe it's memory passed down through my DNA, maybe it's fantasy. I don't know what it is, but I know that it's what feels right to me. Planting down and living in our homes/work almost our entire lives then dying feels so wrong. I care almost nothing about material wishes or monetary gain, but I'd like to be rich in order to travel and feel free.
All I could think about when reading this post is corporate footprints. It's great for us to all do our part, but sadly the corporations not doing their part is screwing everybody. We need more regulations on them, idc what product they're making or how much profit they'd like or even how many people whine about not receiving that product it needs to stop.
Yep, also an easier way to explore/sign up and filter instances and their different pages. I'm new and have no idea what I'm doing regarding that. So far I'm just signing up to instances and hoping new interesting stuff appears on my page.. I'm on as I assume we all are, how do I view the different pages on this instance or is it all just in a singular feed?
A Balls doesn't change their username they leave the shredder right on the end just like their elementary school nickname