Thank you, trying to get there. And this is helpful and justifying.
Tomorrow I go to paint from a live model for the first time. I'm excited and nervous. But unlike most of my paintings I'll use a tablet connected to a PC instead of my phone.
Please mark this NSFW! ๐
I have a grandchild... So maybe I'm out of time ๐.
I'd love to hear about your workflow process, brushes you use, and so on.
I had to double check what sub I was in. Looks amazing! Nice work.
When I grow up I wanna art like you!
I have a few to consider.
ADHD: How to ADHD by Jessica McCabe
Thinking: Thinking in Bets by Annie Duke
Career Management: Expect to Win by Carla A. Harris
Storytelling: Storyworthy by Mathew Dicks
Design (I use it for system design, but product design too): The Design of Everyday Things by Donald A. Norman
Strategy: Good Strategy/Bad Strategy by Richard Rumelt
How to get yourself to do stuff: Atomic Habits by James Clear
Risk management: An Economist Walks Into a Brothel by Allison Schrager
Hiring: Effective Hiring Manager by Mark Horstman
Systems theory: Thinking in Systems by Donella H. Meadows
How life really works: Fooled by Randomness Nassim by Nicholas Taleb
Thinking: You Are Not So Smart by David McRaney
Skepticism: The Skeptics Guide to the Universe by Steve Novella, Bob Novella
There are tons more I love but I hope you find at least one thing to try here.
My son has a WW2 gas mask, I should try that next time without warning. Wonder what my wife would say?
Putting them in the fridge for a few hours or more before chopping (overnight is best) also works.
I know, I'm not funny. But maybe someone will find this helpful.
Wow, thank you!!
You mean it's gone this far without a name? That's so sad. Let's call it Jeff.