
joined 1 month ago
[–] BadlyTimedLuck 8 points 2 weeks ago

I think my brain's inside voice has gone hoarse, anyone got any water?

[–] BadlyTimedLuck 21 points 2 weeks ago (15 children)

Guys, I don't know what's going on in the world and their wars. I just want a president who isn't abhorently evil. Do we have to revolutionize to find that 3rd option orrr?

[–] BadlyTimedLuck 0 points 2 weeks ago

Huh. Its like I wanted a revolution in America, not a world war. Although that sounds good, we should all stand up to our oppressors and die fighting for what we care for. I'd rather die revolutionizing than dying for any current global leader

[–] BadlyTimedLuck -5 points 2 weeks ago (3 children)

Guys, when is the revolution? I wanna burn down every government building and start from scratch. I don't think Americans will be happy whether Biden or Trump is voted in, so we might as well fight both sides and uprise a new one

[–] BadlyTimedLuck 1 points 3 weeks ago

I wonder if his prison sentence will end similar to Epstein, or it has a Trump twist. I imagine a scenerio where a guard "accidentally" drops the key infront of his cell, the cameras are off, and every guard is distracted, but he still manages to fuck up and get lost inside the prison. Resulting in a comical yet massive prison escape, as he attempts to swoon the prisoners with freedom, in exchange for their loyal support, which is basically finding the exit.

[–] BadlyTimedLuck 1 points 1 month ago (1 children)

While this ia hot as hell, careful where you ash and to not drop the cherry

[–] BadlyTimedLuck 5 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Or school shooters and parents

[–] BadlyTimedLuck 1 points 1 month ago

Oh, I actually remembered an innovation they have done, make the cars bigger. Because for some reason, people will keep paying 1000$ monthly payments as long as their pickup slowly becomes a monster truck

[–] BadlyTimedLuck 1 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (1 children)

I watched a video that basically points this out. People have already figured out how to make the most optimum vehicle about 10 years ago, hell probably before, but because we live in a capitalistic society, manufacturers have to keep "innovating" and raising prices and adding useless features that create more problems than convenience. Touchsreens in cars are a perfect example: 1 - At first they were used to display radio and connect to gps, but are now overglorofied phones that have basic car features buried behind menus and laggy screens 2 - Distracted driving was already a problem with texting and driving. So lets put a giant screen on the dash where you can watch Netflix (while I doubt you can while driving, the fact I still gotta look at a screen to turn my wipers on in a flash of rain is a major flaw) 3 - Its a new source of revanue, you'd be stupid NOT to put a screen in your car. All that juicy data, waiting to be collected and sold. If Watch_Dogs taught me anything, its that making our world smarter only makes us more vulnerable. 4 - We were able to get around WITHOUT a screen in our car. A phone mount, a bluetooth adapter, and a dashcam make my 2012 mini cooper feel like a 2025 modern smartcar. Sure it sucks that I had to buy the external upgrades, but I've still got modern conveniences like seat warmers, AC, cruise control, traction control. (The only feature I can give Tesla is Self-Driving mode, which is still in beta, so you're more of a test subject and not a paying customer) 5 - (This is a personal rant) A screen looks fancy, until you realize its actually cheaper to call it a software problem, rather than manufacturing dedicated switches. Making it even harder to repair, since your mechanic now has to learn to code, alnogside manual labor if a part is broken.

The only benefit I see in buying the latest car is if you're worried about the car being overworked. Aka its legit old and undrivable, but the way I see it, its cheaper to fix your old car over breaking your brand new cybertruck before its off the lot.

[–] BadlyTimedLuck 1 points 1 month ago

I'm still waiting on who'll become the martyr for the third option. Because as far as I'm concerned, no third option is gonna arise naturally.

[–] BadlyTimedLuck 0 points 1 month ago


[–] BadlyTimedLuck 3 points 1 month ago

Is there someone we can point to that started this movememt? That sounds like my kinda people


So I've recently started to replay Watch_Dogs (digital version) on PS5 and oddly enough, it's the only game that won't suspend in rest mode. The console itself has to tell me it won't keep the game open and it'll close in 30 seconds. I've played both PS4/5 and use both digital and physical copies between my library. Anyone have an explanation?

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