
joined 10 months ago
[–] BadlyTimedLuck 0 points 1 week ago

While I agree with this sentiment.

I'm hoping there's an actual change with a plan, not just 100 Luigi's for every 1 CEO

[–] BadlyTimedLuck 5 points 1 month ago

It's really scary that this isn't any sort of meme now. This is the literal image that these psychos have when looking at POC

[–] BadlyTimedLuck 41 points 1 month ago (6 children)

You know, this makes me think of Luigi and how his sentencing will go. I assume: he will be sentenced to public execution, and be used as a martyr for the rich to send a message for us peasants,"this is what happens when you want to play hero"

[–] BadlyTimedLuck 3 points 1 month ago

I don't think it's that no one is taking him seriously, it's that the wrong people ARE taking him seriously

[–] BadlyTimedLuck 35 points 2 months ago

Literally 1984

One of the things that stuck out to me while reading in school was the sexual frustration part

[–] BadlyTimedLuck 51 points 2 months ago (8 children)

Wait, your telling me this was on purpose? I just thought the cyberjunk was so shit, someone visiting the building just HAPPENED to blow up

[–] BadlyTimedLuck 3 points 2 months ago (5 children)

I dunno. As the saying goes,"You are what you eat." And our elected "leader" advocates the leading producer of junk food.

Maybe if the American populace had actual nutrients in their bodies instead of butter and lard, we'd be able to critically think for once

[–] BadlyTimedLuck 13 points 2 months ago

You know, I just donated 10 bucks. But after reading all the comments, I think I gotta start paying monthly. I don't use Wikipedia, but I sure as hell know the internet will be even worse off without it, cuz it's one of the few websites where it's owners actually care

[–] BadlyTimedLuck 13 points 3 months ago (8 children)

All this insecurity about tariffs has me hoping he have a Boston Tea Party situation. If I recall the story correctly, they threw the expensive British Tea overboard to protest the tax.

Similarly, I also recall a sugar tax, and either an ink or paper one: basically, I hope I can see something similar to see there's still a small piece of American values from our ancestors (not the twisted Conservative heaven MAGA wants, but on the American dream of freedom, liberty, and justice for ALL.)

No Taxation Without Representation!

[–] BadlyTimedLuck 2 points 3 months ago

I'd like to imagine this but I'm too disappointed. I think it's pretty naive to hope anyone is looking out for us. Everyone is out for themselves, so make sure you can talk without the picture watching.


For how often I see articles talking about the dangers of tech, I'm surprised at the lack of mention for watch_dogs. Sure, its just a silly little Ubisoft game series, but this game series predicted so much of today's world. The 2nd game is basically propoganda against corporations hoarding so much data, exploring how each of them exploit the world they inhabit. If you haven't played the game, I highly recommend checking it out just for the intro alone. It might not be real world events or actual statistics, but it sure broke down some of the major problems in the industry into something my 13 year old brain could comprehend when I first played the game.

Wii Games? (self.piracy)

So I recently bought an old wii, specifically for the purpose of homebrewing. I'm able to understand so far as to what needs downloaded on the Wii and how to backup, but I can't find any sites with games. I noticed Vimms Lair wasn't an option anymore, and other sites I look through use ROMs for emulators. (Unless, those do work on the console). I think you need .wbfs files, and I'd really appreciate if I was pointed in the right direction


So I've recently started to replay Watch_Dogs (digital version) on PS5 and oddly enough, it's the only game that won't suspend in rest mode. The console itself has to tell me it won't keep the game open and it'll close in 30 seconds. I've played both PS4/5 and use both digital and physical copies between my library. Anyone have an explanation?

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