joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 3 points 7 months ago

What's funny is that i ran this image through Nightshade to protect it against AI, whereas i posted to FA and E926 before AI was as big so that older version is clean. Apparently the bot doesn't get confused between the two versions which is great.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 7 months ago (2 children)
[–] [email protected] 4 points 7 months ago (4 children)

wait how?? does the bot find the furaffinity link and do a reverse image search? that's so cool and honestly overbuilt lol

[–] [email protected] 5 points 8 months ago

Yeah, i looked really hard and my city of 300k has maybe three furries in it. The neighboring city of half the size has a small convention.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 8 months ago

You don't understand, this batter was a lot saltier than the batter you're thinking of

[–] [email protected] -1 points 8 months ago (1 children)

Honestly, not delivering on the promise of decentralization is what makes Bluesky functional. With Mastodon i'm constantly having federation problems.

IMO Mastodon is more of a long play, in the sense that it will be great five years from now whereas corporate social media like Threads and Bluesky will enshittify. But as of right now, Mastodon is not super usable. I saw a lot of people move to it during the Musk era of Twitter but very few of them are staying, in fact Lemmy isn't really retaining the users it gained from Reddit either

[–] [email protected] -1 points 8 months ago (1 children)

Wow people are assholes, Bluesky is a nice place to be right now. It's still corporate social media so odds are it'll turn bad in the coming years, but right now it's a nice place with lots of furries.

Though tbh i think most people who wanted an invite code already have them, even i got a code that's how you know they're reaching the bottom of the barrel

[–] [email protected] 2 points 8 months ago

Yep i got the same error just now.

Thank you for your work <3

[–] [email protected] 4 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

Yeah i'm that kind of guy, i have grandiose ideas that are way beyond my means so i end up never making anything. Making this comic was an exercise in modesty, where i took a simple concept (still ended up being 10 pages which is not nothing) and, for the first time, brought it into reality. And that's the thing, it can be the greatest story idea ever, but it has no merit as long as it's a dream, bringing it into reality is what makes it matter - and, not coincidentally, it's also the hard part.

Going forward i have to 1. lower my standards and 2. increase my capabilities, and if they meet in the middle then something can happen.

Also i didn't even mention that making this comic is how i found out i have aphantasia. I figured it wasn't normal to find sketching this hard so i looked into it, and i found out that being unable at all to picture images in my head is not normal. For my next project i'm using Blender as a crutch. I've already finished a page, it looks a heckuva lot better than the above, it was a lot easier, a lot more pleasant, and it took not even a quarter as much time.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

The reality is that, once i uploaded the images, this kind of interpretation is out of my hands. The only value of what i have to say is the insight of what I was thinking while writing this.

In my mind, the deer definitely starts resisting, but it's too late because he willingly let himself get locked behind a padded door, he dies anyway. I just didn't think it was necessary to show it since it's basically guaranteed.

I imagine the tiger is a semi-pro hunter and butcher who supplies local predators and has been doing it for years. I cut dialogue that implied it's even a generational occupation. The reason the tiger is more optimistic about the future and a little generous with his victim is that he's the only one having a good time, he has a job that fulfills his love of killing people, and he's been having it easy with the rise of nihilism and individualism in prey animals. If anything, the fact that he feels a lack of challenge and excitement can be seen as suffering from success.

But again, what i have to say only has value insofar as that's what was on my mind while making it. The reality of what it is can be different, and what you make of it in your own mind is something else again. There can be a twist and/or reveal, that's more than fine

[–] [email protected] 5 points 8 months ago (2 children)

Yeah, this is basically the therapy that my 20yo self needed.

I'm so glad anybody read it, it has been worth it :)


My account is on and i'm trying to comment on the latest discussion thread on, but as the gif shows, the comment box doesn't react to clicks. Other things seem to work fine.

Perplexingly, every other thread that i can find on lets me comment normally, it's just this one thread where the box doesn't react. That would imply that this thread in particular has a comments limit, but i can't see any indication of that.

Apologies if i'm being the big dumb, it's true that most computer issues are between the keyboard and the chair

I will log off for today and try again tomorrow, i have a whole rant ready in my mind god dammit


J'ai fait cette liste, j'aime pas trop le concept parce que ca fait pas grand chose a part agréger les tweets des membres. Mais enfin je pose ca la

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