So until the hostages are released, killing thousands of kids and civilians is ok??? Have a heart. Asking for war to stop shouldn’t be a hot take. Both sides should stop and release all their hostages, but that shouldn’t preclude stopping bombing churches, schools, mosques, hospitals, and homes.
There is value to data showing the importance as part of a public policy debate. Should we have parks next to schools and should kids have recess. Should recess involve outdoor time is a perfect example of why studies like this have value.
I would say democracy would be for voting and being represented by those with similar values not two slightly different neocon options. Is wanting more diplomacy and less war first mentality anti-democratic now.
Sorry, I’m 45 and I have been promised WMDs and everything else. We keep voting as the “other side” will start wars, kill abortion, not fix immigration, and here we are. I’m done voting for maybe. Actually do something or I’m voting Cornell West. 30 years of Lucy pulling the football and I actually want some results. Stop saying if you don’t, and start actually doing something.
When Biden had the White House, Congress, and Senate, many of us expected some legislation on abortion, prison reform, etc that never happened, but maybe if we vote again they will do something. Also, blocking a ceasefire and continuing to punish Cuba isn’t something I can support.
Interesting to see him express regret over eliminating the negotiation option years ago. “We don’t negotiate” has turned into ignore until something spills over and the bomb them with shock and awe. I expected to roll my eyes but was pleasantly surprised.
Hamas in no way is the govt of the West Bank. If anyone has a bit of soul left, they will see this for what it is, the elimination of Christians and Muslims from their homelands by military might against international law and my President Biden supporting this. After all I thought we leaned post George Floyd, we just shifted who we find ok to discriminate against and the rabid hate that was quieted has come back multiple times as strong. It’s almost like there was a built up hate pressure that has exploded. Stop ethnic cleansing, is it to high a bar to ask of our leaders (on both sides as the Republican talking points are just as bad or worse).
This has all been plannned.
I want them to not bomb kids. Bombing kids is what terrorists do. If you want to kill someone in a tunnel, go in the tunnel. You don’t bomb kids. You don’t bomb hospitals.
Team left just censured one of their own. I’m mean, team corporate 2.
Happy to see that label. Haven’t had it in years but remember loving it.
Maybe not deliberately, but is bombing buildings not caring if kids are in them or not better?? Not journalists killing is what I would like to see them comment on.